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Stress, burnout and health in a sample of Spanish teachers

Candido J. Ingles, David Aparisi, Jose M. García-Fernández


The current educational crisis in different countries shows very different connotations of an economic, sociological, psychological and educational level that are having an impact on the teacher and their pedagogical relationship[30]. Although in terms of research, both stress, Burnout and health of teachers are the most productive areas in Psychology, the causes, effects, prevalence and incidence, being such a situation more evident in our country, where research is limited. The aim of this work was to analyze the stress level of teachers and their relationship with Burnout and health, taking into account sex, age and years of service, in a sample of Spanish teachers. Results show a significant relationship between the stress level of teachers, Burnout and health status with a differential profile according to age, sex and years of service.


Stress; Burnout; health; teacher; education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v3i1.1128
