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Design of monitoring system for real-time IoT in marine environment

Qiongzhou Chen


Marine disasters often occur in order to avoid and mitigate the increasing risk of environmental pollution in the marine environment , designed an internet-based technology and 3G Real-time marine environment Monitoring System for communication technology . First , designed the ocean Ambient Real-time monitoring system block diagram , dividing system into perceptual layer , application tier and network layer , then monitor zone for None line sensor networks divided by hierarchical routing protocol cluster , cluster head sensor nodes , cluster member sensor nodes and objects Networking Network joint points hardware design , simultaneous cluster sensor node , cluster member sensor node and IoT network The joint points were designed for the software process . The experiment shows that the method can monitor the marine environment information in real time , has a This low , Low power consumption and laying simple benefits .


Internet of Things ; monitoring ; 3 G Communication ; Marine Environment

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/me.v6i1.1188
