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Measurement and analysis of marine environmental noise in typical coastal waters around Dalian

Zhuang Yao, Fei Zhang, Zhihui Yao, Shigang Liu, Yu Guo, Yong Tang


In 2013 Years 5 Monthly Utilization Bandwidth to 20 HZ ~ 100 KHZ the water detector measurement system The large black stone of the surrounding waters around Dalian、Pay Home Zhuang、Xinghai Bay、Tahe Bay、Sea Rhyme 5 underwater noise at a typical station is measured Quantity,Get take the ambient noise data from each site and Wind Speed、environment such as sea conditions toVegetarian,and then Noise Sound Average sound pressure level ( SOUnD PRESsURE LEveL,SPL)  Calculation and 20 HZ ~ 100 KHZ Bandwidth Noise Spectrum score Analysis.Result Table Ming:  PayHome Zhuang、Star Bay Sea area noise average sound pressure level respectively to 126. 58、123. 39 DB ( To 1 ΜPA for reference Sound pressure,Next same) ,Shipping Routes Row、near-shore construction and other man-made noise is the area's Primary Noise Source;  Big Black Stone、TaheBay Ocean noise is lower than low,average sound pressure levels are respectively115. 66、122. 17 DB,natural noise such as tidal and wind waves is the main marine noise in the sea area Source;  Cargo port and navigation The average sound pressure level in the sea near the road is the most High,For 132. 53 DB,Ship navigation, etc. as the main noise Source. Total Body Top,Marine noise in the vicinity of Dalian is affected by human activities Louder,on port Navigation Road、Ocean engineering areas show higher Noise Water Ping,The is located in the Bohai Sea in the culture of the most noise Low.flat for this measurement sound pressure levels in the hearing of fish and marine mammals Surround inside,but because of the sound pressure level relative Low,There should be no significant impact on local mariculture and marine mammals Ring.


Ocean Environment Noise Sound; Average sound pressure level; Ocean Noise Frequency Spectrum; Dalian near Shore Sea Domain

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/me.v5i1.1211
