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Choral Rehearsal Training Special -- Research on Training Strategy of Voice Part

Hongying Yue, Seungjin Lee


Chorus, as a form of music with multi-part cooperation, needs to implement different training methods according to different parts in the process of chorus training, to ensure the coordination of each part, and music singing has more layers. In the face of the requirements of chorus performance, the paper analyzes the problems that are easy to exist in the special training of voice parts in chorus rehearsal, and actively explores innovative strategies. By innovating multi-part training methods, strengthening voice and rhythm training, and scientifi cally applying voice skills, it helps singers to reasonably control their voices and realize the cooperation of each voice part to complete the chorus performance together.


Chorus rehearsal; Special training projects; Voice training

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i28.10595
