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The Construction and Practice of the“Leadership Wholeperson Development Workshop”in the Extracurricular System for Cultivating Comprehensive Quality of College Students--A Case Study of a Southwest University

Jingquan Luo, DanLin Huang, Chi Li


A teaching and research team in a southwest university is committed to the construction and practice of extra-curricular system of college students’comprehensive quality training by setting up“Leadership whole-person development Workshop”,and summarizes and condenses the extendable model of college students’leadership training.In practical teaching,the teaching and research team of the workshop should be diversifi ed to achieve interdisciplinary integration and education;Personalized courses should be designed to fi t students’professional needs;Teaching should be continuously reformed to evaluate and optimize the closed loop.


College students;Leadership;Workshops;Empirical model

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i28.10597
