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Translation Techniques of Mo Yan’s Works in English and Their Influence on Overseas Communication

Lin Gong


In the literary world of our country, Mo Yan is a unique presence, representing a literary genre, a language style, and a way of thinking. Mo Yan is the first writer in China to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. After Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature, his works had a profound impact both domestically and internationally. Therefore, the translation techniques of Mo Yan’s English translations have gradually emerged. In order to enhance the dissemination of Mo Yan’s works overseas, the article proposes translation techniques for his English translations, and suggests building a high-quality English translation team, conducting digital translation work, and establishing a bilingual book exhibition in Chinese and English in the future, in order to provide important references for the continuous dissemination of Mo Yan’s works overseas.


Mo Yan’s works; English translation; Translation skills; Overseas dissemination

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i30.10954
