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Thoughts on the Dilemma and Countermeasures of Raising Children Aged 0-3 in Yunnan Province

Siwen Zhang, Shuyan Li


High-quality family upbringing will have a profound impact on children ‘s early development and help lay a good start for children’s future development . Currently, families raising children aged 0-3 in Yunnan Province are faced with diffi culties in giving birth, diffi culties in raising children and the quality of education. The main dilemmas include the weakening of the traditional family concept of childbearing, low willingness to have children, and lack of motivation; the heavy burden of family childcare and insuffi cient support from universal high-quality educational resources; the lack of family scientifi c childcare capabilities, and the strong demand for scientifi c childcare guidance. In this regard, the government should build a local fertility-friendly social culture, develop multi-modal inclusive child care services, and establish community family scientifi c child care guidance service centers, thereby alleviating the parenting diffi culties of 0-3-year-old families and promoting the gradual improvement of family child care quality.


Family upbringing; Dilemma; Countermeasures

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i32.11789
