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Design and Implementation of Case Teaching Based on Car Live Broadcast

Shasha Chen


In order to train students to master the basic theoretical knowledge at the same time, students should also cultivate their practical ability, and the needs of enterprises can not be disconnected from the enterprise. This paper takes the case of car live broadcasting in live courses as an example to transform the original abstract and boring class into an interesting interactive class of learning practice. Students learn in the classroom car live activities, vigorously develop their thinking, and fully exercise their language expression ability. The whole teaching process is very rich, and the teaching content is really keeping pace with The Times. Moreover, the interactive link in the live broadcast room is designed, and the students’ active participation in the whole course is extremely high, which effectively improves the teaching quality.


Car live broadcast; Case teaching; Live interaction; Mutual evaluation of voting

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13426
