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“History of Song and Yuan Operas” and the Humanistic Sentiments of Ancient Opera Culture

Yufei Wang


Wang Guowei’s Opera History of Song and Yuan dynasties focuses on Song and Yuan dynasties, citing various opera materials of the past dynasties, studies the formation, evolution and development process of Chinese classical opera, and makes a specific analysis of the artistic characteristics and aesthetic value of opera language. From the perspective of the development of literature, artistic characteristics and social and cultural background, it can be inferred that Song Ci had a profound impact on Song and Yuan opera. This influence is not only refl ected in the rich content of themes, the reference of artistic techniques and the inheritance of musical rhythm, but also in the rich cultural deposits and artistic accumulation for the development of Song and Yuan operas.


Wang Guowei; History of Opera in Song and Yuan Dynasties; Ancient Opera

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13447
