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The Path of Cultivating the Employability of University Graduates in Chengdu from the Perspective of New Quality Productivity: A Multi-case Study Based on Thematic Analysis

Lin Zeng, Astri Ph.D, Ximan Luo


The concept of new quality productivity is essential for guiding China’s development in this era. It provides a framework for enhancing the employability of university graduates, particularly in Chengdu. This study investigates the gap between university training and enterprise employment needs through the lens of new quality productivity, aiming to align these aspects for high-quality industry development. To achieve this, a thematic multi-case analysis is conducted. It analyzes survey data from higher education institutions and enterprises in Chengdu to identify challenges in cultivating student employability. The ultimate goal is to enhance college graduates’ employability cultivation levels and optimize talent training pathways.


New quality; Productivity; Labor force; Market demand; Talent training pathway

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i7.13722
