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Four Dimensions of Young Cadres’ Political Ability Construction in the New Era

Liguo Song


The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always attached great importance to the training and selection of young cadres, and has promoted the training and selection of young cadres to the highest level of focusing on the cause from generation to generation. Among all the abilities of cadres, political ability is the first and foremost ability. Training and selecting young cadres should focus on improving their political ability, strengthening their training and learning, strengthening governance efficiency, perfecting the training and selection mechanism and creating a good working atmosphere, so as to effectively stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of young cadres and officers, ease the pressure burden and be brave in taking responsibility.


The Communist Party of China (CPC); Young cadres; Political ability; Dimension

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i8.13766
