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Critically Evaluate the Voice Education and Voice Care in Teacher Training

Yangyang Zhang, Jing Tang, Le Li, Bowen Shang


Kovacic’s research is very important since voice disorders are common among teachers and it is a very fascinating problem to explore. Voice disorders have an extremely bad influence on the teachers’ ability to teach in practice. The research report consists of six parts: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Other reports and future directions, and Conclusion. The aim of this paper is to critically analyze and evaluate the method section of Kovacic’s research, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of main research approaches and techniques used by the author from the following three perspectives: sampling, research method and questionnaire materials, and then propose the effective measures to improve this research.


Kovacic; Voice Disorders; Teachers’ Ability;

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i1.4130
