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A Study on the Mental Health Problems of Middle School Students in Plateau and Its Countermeasures——Taking a Middle School in Qinghai Province as an Example

Xin Qu, Guiting Shi, Chuang Ke, Tingjun Yong


Participants in this study were 569 middle school students from the plateau middle school. In China, there is a mental health scale for middle school students (MSSMHS). MSSMHS was created by Professor Wang Jisheng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute and was used to assess the mental health of middle school pupils on Qinghai's plateau. The findings revealed that 25.31 percent of kids at this school had psychological issues, providing a foundation for additional research into the mental health of middle school children in the plateau.


Plateau; Middle School Students; Mental Health

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i2.4169
