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Inheritance of Classical Literature in Universities and Cultivation of Applied Talents

Xiaoyan Peng


Chinese classical philology is a basic compulsory course for the major of Chinese language and literature in colleges and universities. It is also a theoretical course with a long history. It plays a vital role in the comprehensive curriculum system of the Chinese department in colleges and universities. The course of Chinese classical philology mainly studies the collation and research of ancient books and the theory of philology, and trains university talents with a solid theoretical foundation of classical philology and high theoretical literacy. In recent years, with the arrival of the era of big data, the voice of education and teaching mode reform is rising day by day, and the role of Application-oriented colleges and universities is also increasingly prominent. In the face of the refinement and specialization of current professional needs and professional abilities, the relationship between the inheritance of classical literature in colleges and universities and the training of application-oriented talents must attract the attention of colleges and universities and the whole society.


Classical Literature; University Inheritance: Applied Talents

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Included Database


Chen D. Thoughts on the theoretical construction of ancient philology [J]. Chinese academic frontier 2012;(1):118.

Li J, Pei Y. "New Sinology" and classical philology teaching [J]. Yinshan Journal 2016; (3):102.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i8.5548
