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Analysis of Flame Retardant Technology for Polymer Materials

Xiaodong Zhang


In recent years, national machinery and agricultural production have played an increasingly important role due to the emergence and application of polymer materials. With their excellent performance and low cost, polymer materials are widely used in various fi elds of national economy and people’s life. However, most polymer materials are fl ammable. The combustion process is characterized by high heat dissipation rate, high heat dissipation rate and high fl ame dissipation rate, which makes it diffi cult to extinguish the fi re. They also produce tobacco and toxic gases, which pose a serious threat to human life and the environment.Improving the effi ciency of the actual use of fi reproof materials not only reduces the negative impact on the environment, but also eliminates possible fi re hazards.


Polymer materials; Flame retardant technology; Application and development

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i19.6288
