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An Analysis of the Characteristics of Education Policy on Bilingual Education based on the Case of Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School

Jiao Huang, Liyuan Liu


Bilingual education demonstrates the impact that language policy has had on the field as the teaching and application of two languages continues to shift. In this context of reflection, this paper takes a look at communicative competence and practical language skills in Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School as the subject of analysis. The analysis suggests that appropriate language policies need to focus on bilingualism rather than a second language, and that language policies should be developed to ensure the provision of correct bilingualism when dealing with students in different contexts. In addition, it is important to prevent guardians from interfering with the implementation of the school's policy in order to ensure that the bilingual language policy is implemented.


Bilingual education; Language education; Language policy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i1.7002
