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Refl ections on the Evolution of Life Expressed in Clothing

Fengying Zhuo


My concept explores the idea of‘life’and‘human existence’.We as a species have evolved so much,will we still con-tinue to evolve?At what point does evolution stop?I explored the idea of the human species evolving to become various species of mammals,and being completely stripped back to bones,organisms,and cells.Looking back to the very beginning of life,I chose denim and knitting to explore and think about the process of human evolution,trying to simulate the texture development of cells and blood vessels in the process of human evolution through knitting technology and to present the human body shape with the silhouette of the denim.


Evolution; Cell; Bone; Knitting; Denim

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i5.7308
