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Research on the Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence in High School English Reading Instruction

Zhenglin Kuang


Cultivating students’ intercultural communication competence (ICC) is the requirement of modern development, and it is also one of the general goals of high school English curriculum standards. English discourse is an eff ective way to cultivate students’ intercultural communication competence for it is loaded with intercultural knowledge, and of great intercultural value.Based on discourse and three-dimensional objectives, this study designs four teaching steps to implement the cultivation of ICC,i.e., attitude cultivation, knowledge construction, application and practice, refl ection and adjustment, providing a preliminary implementation plan for cultivating students’ intercultural communication competence in high school English reading teaching.


Intercultural communication competence; High school English; Reading instruction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i7.7586
