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Comparison of Student Performance, Self-mutual and Tutor Teaching Assessments in PBL Tutorial Process Between 1st and 4th Year Dental Undergraduates

Yanjun Chen, Rui Xu, Dai Lin, Liang Yan, Ting Zhou


Objectives: Evaluate the eff ectiveness of PBL teaching and analyze potential infl uencing factors between senior and junior from the perspectives of student performance, student self-mutual and tutor teaching evaluations.Materials and methods: 81 Grade 1 and 83 Grade 4 students of dental school, Kunming Medical University participated in PBL teaching, the scores collected from the above three evaluations mentioned were analyzed.Results: study found the overall three comparative assessments scores of Grade 4 were signifi cantly higher than those of Grade 1(P<0.01). Further analysis revealed no signifi cant diff erence of student performance score between Grade 4 and Grade 1 in the 1st unit (P>0.05), but it was improved and maintained signifi cantly since 2nd time (P<0.01).Moreover, each self-mutual evaluation of 4th year students was signifi cantly higher than that of 1st year students, especially in the second half of the course (P<0.01).And, all the evaluations of tutor teaching from seniors were signifi cantly higher than those from juniors (P<0.01). Finally, no signifi cant correlation between student self-mutual scores and those given by tutors no matter high or lower grade (P>0.05).Conclusions: Even being supported strongly in both 2 grades, self-awareness of senior was more prominent because of more favorable timing. It can be inferred that student performance could be stimulated by superior integration of problem scenarios and appropriate tutor’s skills. High acceptances of tutor’s role were received both from 2 grades, the medical background of tutors may be detrimental to the group process of 1st grade. Self and mutual evaluation were not accurate but irreplaceable measurement tools. It is necessary to combine qualitative analysis to adjust the existing evaluation strategies.


PBL; Dental undergraduates; Student performance evaluation; Self and mutual evaluation; Tutor teaching evaluation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i10.8163
