A Study of Nicolas de Staël’s Painting Expressions
Throughout his career, de Staël’s painting style has always changed between figuration and abstraction, from early figuration to abstraction and back to figuration in the middle and late stages. He maintains a certain association with the 20th century avant-garde art, while Cubism and Fauvism have also influenced him to a certain extent. Throughout his career, de Staël never stopped exploring and innovating the language of expression, experimenting with abstract language to serve the symbolism and allegory of his works. As a result, his paintings have their own distinctive artistic characteristics in terms of color and structure.It is of great artistic value to analyze De Staël’s painting language expression in the context of the times.
De Staël; Expression; Painting language; Structure; Composition
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i12.8365
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