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Teaching sciences using didactic strategies based in information and communications technologies

Santiago Rojano Ramos


Last years, students have presented a low interest to study sciences. In particular, Physics and Chemistry are considerate by students as very difficult subject. Actual teachers have a wide variety of tools to promote the learning of sciences in classrooms. This survey includes the use of virtual applications to understand chemical processes; for example, the redox-reactions. The objective was to carry out a new didactic proposal for teaching the cited reactions. So, it was used a virtual periodic table of chemical elements and an assisted computer simulation to lead students toward the learning of redox chemical reactions and to understand how the reactions occurred into the recipient. Therefore, with the use of videos is possible to watch the chemical reactions in a microscopic level. It represents an important advantage in comparison to conventional teaching of redox reactions in a blackboard. On the other hand, the group filled a questionnaire about the utility of the technique, the advantages or disadvantages and the convenience of using information and communications technologies (ICT) to improve the knowledge in the subject. The results showed that use of ICT allowed them to increase the comprehension of chemical processes as redox reactions. In conclusion, 65 % of students group indicated that they preferred multimedia application instead face to face class and 62,5 % of students wrote that the use of virtual periodic table and multimedia application are very beneficial to class.


learning sciences; multimedia application; virtual simulation; redox reactions; ICT

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v1i2.918
