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How to Talk about Education in Some Thoughts Concerning Education

Xiaoxia Zhou, Guangnan Dong


John Locke was a famous British philosopher, statesman and educator in the seventeenth century. His Some Thoughts Concerning Education is one of the classic works in the history of foreign education. In this work, Locke not only discussed "education of
gentlemen" comprehensively, here "gentlemen" means not the ordinary gentleman, but the political elite. At the same time, he also
proposed the idea of establishing a system of "moral, intellectual, and physical education". The purpose of education, the role of education, the contents of education, the ideas of education, and the principles and methods of education, which were covered in this work, had a positive and widespread impact. In this article, we will try to explain how the Some Thoughts Concerning Education talks about education
from the aspects of educational purpose, educational contents and methods, and the relevance of the Some Thoughts Concerning


John Locke; Some Thoughts Concerning Education; Educational purpose; Educational thought

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i21.9524
