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Modern Management Forum is a social science journal that serves as the source material on business management and related theory. The contents deliver do not boundary to management concept, but also to understand, to discuss and to access the current trend in management of different businesses and organizations. It aims to provide a high profile and unique forum that share between employer and employee, and benefit both in the term of apply the knowledge in real-world situation, connect concepts, and experience management principles in a tactile and engaging way.

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Original Research Article

by Xiao Cheng
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Against the backdrop of comprehensive capability demands for talents, this paper records and analyzes the teaching process of private fi ne art school for children according to the needs and attitudes as required by the society, parents, teachers, and students. Among them, our research objects embrace 6 teachers, 71 students (who have never studied fi ne art) and 85 parents. We are committed to exploring the impact and relevance of art courses on talent cultivation. Qualitative practices and methods are employed to explore the complexities arising from the problem of psychological changes in different contexts, cultures, and subjects. The results of the study ascertain the feasibility of existing teaching methods and the positive signifi cance of teaching for talent cultivation.

Original Research Article

by Hongwei Niu
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With the continuous development of artifi cial intelligence technology, AIGC products have been more and more widely used in advertising, entertainment, education and many other fields. There’s no denying that AIGC has the potential to bring about various changes and infl uences in the realm of higher education. However, the use of technology can contribute to learning only when it is designed from the outset with an understanding of student learning in mind and when it is integrated with teacher-student interactions in the classroom. Adopting desk research, this paper reviews researches on AIGC’s potential to improve education and students’ leaning. Based on the theories of the learning sciences, especially Jean Piaget’s theories, the author proposes a theoretical framework for China’s higher learning against the backdrop of the advancement of AIGC, namely, deep understanding of concepts, equal emphasis on teaching and learning, creating appropriate learning environments, construction on students’ prior knowledge, and timely refl ections. In the process of the digital transformation of colleges and universities, the role of AIGC should always be that of a facilitator, supporting and helping students to engage in deeper learning, and humanistic care and humanistic thinking should be maintained before, during, and after the generation of content by AI.

Original Research Article

by Gaoyan Shen
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Accelerating the development of vocational education is of great significance for solving the problems of agriculture, countryside and farmers and promoting the fairness of education.Vocational education has great potential in helping to develop rural revitalization, and it is also an important carrier for various exogenous resources to be imported into rural areas.In view of the practical diffi culties existing in the current vocational education in Henan province to help rural revitalization, this paper focuses on the prospects from four aspects: talents, industry, culture and organization:(1)Pay attention to the introduction of skilled personnel and the cultivation of local skilled personnel in rural areas;(2)Promote the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and implement the Henan policy of everyone holding certifi cates and skills;(3)Guided by intrinsic values, cultivate the awareness of grassroots people and school teachers and students to serve rural revitalization;(4)Pay attention to top-level design and improve the vocational education system.

Original Research Article

by Dakang Li, Xiayun Liu
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Virtual simulation technology has been widely concerned in the digitization of education. In this paper, a virtual and real integrated industrial robot laboratory was built in virtual simulation software. The laboratory consists of three parts: basic experiment area, comprehensive application experiment area and extended exhibition area. The laboratory can realize online and offl ine synchronous teaching, which improves the accuracy and safety of operation.

Original Research Article

by Ying Chen, Zilun Zhou
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Through the cross-etymological research, we found that the word “Market” originated from the Latin word “mercari”, and it was extended to French, English, German and other European languages.In ancient Chinese, the meaning of the word “market” was the same as that of European, which means “place of trade”, which is closely related to economic activities, and then produce the word “market economy”. The market economy is characterize d by market self-regulation, less government intervention, and different characteristics in diff erent social forms. The socialist market economy is the main form of China’s socialist economic system, the result of the creative application of scientifi c socialism by the Chinese people, and the product of the sinicization of Marxism.

Original Research Article

by Lili Huang
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Despite the rapid development of construction industrialization, there is a serious shortage of prefabricated construction talents. Faced with this contradiction, this article takes the Civil Engineering major of Heilongjiang Dongfang University as the research object. By studying industrial demand and the “1+X prefabricated building component production and installation occupational level standards”, a collaborative prefabricated education module of “production certifi cation education” is constructed, which aims to cultivate the knowledge and abilities required by prefabricated talents for students, enabling them to adapt to the industry development needs of construction industrialization transformation and upgrading. At the same time, it provides a certain research direction for the reform of prefabricated teaching systems in other universities.

Original Research Article

by Juan Zhu
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Reading teaching is an important way for students to input and acquire language. How to change the traditional teaching mode, use “1+N” to expand the reading teaching mode, shift from pursuing reading skills and speed to improving the effi ciency of middle school English reading teaching, has become an important issue for teachers to stimulate students’ reading interest and improve their reading ability.This article briefl y describes the connotation of the “1+N” extended reading teaching model, taking middle school English reading teaching as an example, analyzes the four application principles of the “1+N” extended reading teaching model, designs the main teaching process, and explores the application strategies of the “1+N” extended reading teaching model in middle school English reading teaching from four aspects: based on students’ reading foundation, adhering to theme teaching orientation, integrating reading training sequences, and seizing opportunities for students to understand.

Original Research Article

by Jiuhong Lin, Yu Jiang
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Municipal water supply and drainage engineering, as an important component of urban infrastructure engineering, has become a major aspect aff ecting the process of urbanization. If the relevant departments and construction enterprises do not pay attention to the design technology and management of municipal water supply and drainage engineering, it will produce a series of negative eff ect s such as poor sewage and water quality pollution. Therefore, we should constantly optimize the design technology and measures of municipal water supply and drainage engineering to ensure the sustainable development of the city. Based on the design principles of municipal water supply and drainage engineering, this paper analyzes the common problems and corresponding solutions in the design of municipal water supply and drainage engineering.

Original Research Article

by Hao Xiu
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Objective: To investigate whether there is a common phenomenon of staying up late among students at Yunnan Normal University, and whether there is a correlation between staying up late and their mental health level.The method used a combination of self_x005fdesigned survey questionnaire and SCL90 psychological test questionnaire, and conducted correlation analysis using Excel and SPSS.As a result, Yunnan Normal University has a common phenomenon of staying up late, and the degree of staying up late is positively correlated with the level of mental health.Conclusion: The phenomenon of staying up late has a signifi cant impact on the mental health of students at Yunnan Normal University.

Original Research Article

by Guyao iu
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With the rapid development of high-tech, mining engineering has also made signifi cant progress compared to traditional mining methods and technologies.However, the development of mining engineering, mining equipment, and construction has also brought new safety management issues.Based on this, this article will first analyze common mining engineering mining technologies such as comprehensive types, mine collapses, and gently inclined layers, and then propose countermeasures on how to improve the quality of mining engineering construction safety management, aiming to provide some reference for the development and application of mining engineering mining technology equipment and construction safety management.

Original Research Article

by Yang Liu
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This paper aims to explore the creativity and innovation of Chinese cultural IP derivatives, taking “Fengshen Trilogy” as an example for in-depth analysis. Through the research of the fi lm works of the IP and its infl uence in the cultural creative industry, the potential and challenge of the development of epic IP derivatives in China are discussed. Combined with Hollywood successful cases, this paper explores the possibility of Chinese cultural IP in derivative development and landing cultural tourism projects, aiming to provide a new perspective and inspiration for the development of China’s cultural and creative industries.

Original Research Article

by Qi Li
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Modern mining technology, with its characteristics of high effi ciency, safety and environmental protection, has gradually become a research hotspot in the fi eld of mining engineering. These technologies can not only eff ectively improve the mining rate of mineral resources, reduce production costs, but also reduce the impact on the environment, to achieve the harmonious coexistence of mining and ecological environment. Under the background of the current global resource shortage and increasing environmental pressure, the research and application of modern mining technology has important strategic significance for realizing the sustainable development of mining industry. However, the application of modern mining technology also faces some challenges and problems. For example, the rapidity of technological upgrading, the complexity of equipment maintenance, and the high requirements of safety production all need us to carry out in-depth research and discussion. Therefore, this paper expounds the modern mining technology and its characteristics, and analyzes the application strategies of diff erent technologies in mining engineering, hoping to provide useful reference for the practice in the fi eld of mining engineering

Original Research Article

by Zichen Wang, Kaiyue Zhang
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“One-stop” student community is an important channel for colleges and universities to promote student education, and an important carrier of ideological and political education in the new era. In this regard, higher vocational colleges should attach importance to the construction of “one-stop” student community, create community practice activities dominated by ideological and political education, and strive to build a new pattern of all-round ideological and political education. Based on this, this paper studies the “one-stop” student community education mode under the perspective of “three full education”. First, it analyzes the value implication of the “one-stop” student community education mode, and on this basis, puts forward corresponding practical strategies. Through improving the system of community construction work, creating progressive whole-process education, optimizing the work flow of community service and integrating community education resources, we can improve the quality of one-stop service, build a new pattern of collaborative education, and promote the innovative development of college community education work.

Original Research Article

by Yongsheng Cai
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Hydrogeology is an important factor aff ecting engineering quality. Groundwater undergoes physical or chemical reactions on soil and rock, and changes in groundwater level can also aff ect soil and rock structure and geological environment.To ensure the quality of engineering survey, it is necessary to carry out hydrogeological survey work, analyze the impact of groundwater on rock, soil and construction engineering, and at the same time, develop prevention and control plans.The analysis of hydrogeological problems can provide hydrogeological data for engineering geological design and construction, while avoiding hydrogeological hazards.This article analyzes the important signifi cance of hydrogeological exploration in engineering geological exploration, and specifi cally discusses the impact of hydrogeology on engineering from the perspectives of groundwater level changes, rock physical properties, water pressure, and groundwater quality.

Original Research Article

by Yuanting Wei
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Based on the relevant data of 81 colleges in the “one-stop” students’ community, this paper constructs the resilience structure and relationship model of ‘one-stop’ students’ community. It was founded that community resilience consists of six dimensions: institution, organization, facility, individual, technology and resource. It was proposed to optimize the physical space, consolidate the front-line position, strengthen overall coordination, stimulate the vitality of the organization, integrate information technology, improve the eff ectiveness of governance, shape the community culture, and build the spiritual home.

Original Research Article

by Danmei Chen
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The protection of cultural relics is of great signifi cance for inheriting and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture, and promoting social development.With the acceleration of urbanization, strengthening the protection and development of cultural relics has become an important task for the government.The eff ective protection and utilization of cultural relics cannot be achieved without the strong guarantee of government actions and the joint participation of all sectors of society. Working together to protect cultural heritage enables it to be inherited and shine brightly.This article takes the protection and development of cultural relics in Luxian County as an example, based on public management theory, analyzes the current problems in cultural relics protection and development, and explores corresponding countermeasures.

Original Research Article

by Yu Zhang, Jinhai Yu, Shibo Huang, Jiang Wang
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To study the stability of sand-sliding slopes under diff erent excavation extents, this paper selects a specifi c sand-sliding slope along the G318 highway from Yupu to Ranwu as the research object. Through fi eld surveys, literature review, and numerical simulation, the stability of the sand-sliding slope is analyzed. The study shows that: (1) After the slope excavation, the overall maximum shear strain increment increases with the gradual increase of the excavation footage, the stress at the slope foot gradually increases, and the stress contour at the excavation site gradually concentrates towards the slope foot.

Original Research Article

by Pan Chen, Yuan Zhuo
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Currently, the digital economy is regarded as a popular term.This article attempts to clarify the close relationship between digital economy and rural cultural revitalization from the perspective of rural revitalization.Based on the actual GDP situation of 38 districts and counties in Chongqing, the article focuses on analyzing the rural cultural characteristics of the new Chongqing, especially the districts and counties with lower GDP rankings.At the same time, explore how Chongqing should seize the opportunity of digital economic development and achieve the goal of rural cultural revitalization in the new era background;And research has been conducted from several aspects, including modernization of agriculture and rural areas, rural cultural museums, cultural tourism, origin of archaeological sites, education and cultural industries, and rural employment issues.

Original Research Article

by Liwei Liu
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With the advancement of vocational education reform, the educational concepts and methods of preschool education in vocational colleges are also developing towards modernization, scientifi city, and diversifi cation.In this context, the Orff music teaching method has been widely applied to music teaching in this major, and has played a huge role in improving the fun and eff ectiveness of music teaching in preschool education and promoting the cultivation of students’ comprehensive qualities.Based on this, this article analyzes the application signifi cance and strategies of the Orff music teaching method in music teaching for vocational preschool education majors, for reference only by relevant personnel.

Original Research Article

by Yudie Ao, Xianjie Nie, Qinglin Yu, Lin Zhu
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As a multi-ethnic autonomous county with Gelao nationality as the main body, Wenchuan County of Guizhou Province, Gelao nationality maintains its native and unique folk culture, which has unique protection signifi cance and development value. However, with the rapid development of economy, science and technology and the acceleration of urbanization in our country, the excellent traditional culture of Gelao is on the verge of extinction. This study aims to summarize and analyze the disadvantages of the inheritance mode of the excellent traditional culture of Gelao nationality in the new era on the basis of the inheritance mode of the excellent traditional culture of Gelao nationality in the new era, and then explore the new ideas of the inheritance mode of the excellent traditional culture of Gelao nationality in the new era, hoping to provide practical and benefi cial reference and suggestions.

Original Research Article

by Liangqian Zhao, Ting Li
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In building a healthy and functional education ecosystem, the professional ethics of teachers highlight their fundamental and important role.As the cornerstone of society, education is not only a means of imparting knowledge, skills, and ideas, but also an important way to cultivate behavior models and values for the next generation.In this process, teachers, as disseminators of knowledge, shapers of values, and role models, undoubtedly hold professional ethics standards that have a profound impact on the growth of students, social progress, and the inheritance of civilization. However, the professional ethics of teachers have become a sensitive issue that has frequently appeared in the public eye in recent years, with topics related to teacher corporal punishment, teacher tutoring, and teacher lying down constantly emerging.The reason for this may be due to the changes in interest relations and distribution methods during the process of social transformation, which have led to new changes in the relationship between the rights, living conditions, and moral responsibilities that teachers should bear.In recent years, various studies have been conducted on the new issues arising from teacher professional ethics, making it important to sort out relevant domestic literature. This article uses (title=’Teacher Professional Ethics’) AND (publication time Between (‘2019-01-01’, ‘2023-12-29’) as the search criteria and is searched in the Chinese language database of China National Knowledge Infrastructure.We searched 210 literature related to teacher professional ethics from January 1, 2019 to December 29, 2023.There are a total of 23 core journal articles with titles related to “Teacher Professional Ethics”.Excluding 7 articles with book review nature, a total of 16 articles were used as the basis for conducting research and analysis on the professional ethics of teachers in the past fi ve years.

Original Research Article

by Qiang Zhou
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China is a major agricultural country, with the production and use of pesticides ranking among the top in the world. Pesticides generate a large amount of wastewater during their production and use. Once these wastewater fl ows into the environment, it can cause harm to the environment, soil, vegetation, and human health.This article analyzes the characteristics and hazards of pesticide wastewater, analyzes the main technologies of pesticide and pharmaceutical wastewater in China, and proposes the use of physical, chemical, biological, and combination processes to treat pesticide wastewater, reduce harmful substances in pesticide wastewater, and reduce environmental hazards. Physical chemical, biological, and advanced oxidation methods are used to treat pharmaceutical wastewater, so as to meet discharge standards, standardize the treatment process of pesticide and pharmaceutical wastewater, and further improve the treatment technology of pesticide and pharmaceutical wastewater

Original Research Article

by Jingjing Xiang, Xinyu Yi, Ziyi Zhang, Tiantian Wang
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This study focuses on tax preferential policies and their impact on small-scale individual businesses. Through in-depth analysis of the structure and function of tax preferential policies, a detailed discussion is conducted on the current economic situation of small-scale individual businesses.On this basis, a combination of research and questionnaire surveys is used to evaluate the tax preferential policies of small-scale individual businesses.The adjustment of tax policies is reasonable and necessary for diff erent groups of small-scale individual businesses, providing more support and assistance for their development.

Original Research Article

by Chunyang Zhang, Xiucheng Liu
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A hot topic of 2023 is ChatGPT, which gives the long-dormant tech industry a big impact. Since its debut at the end of 2022, ChatGPT has become a household name in just two months, attracting nearly 100 million users to an unprecedented intimate encounter with it. Unlike ubiquitous but stealthy algorithms, ChatGPT presented its machine identity in a frank and direct way. It is not only highly intelligent and creative, but also is able to communicate naturally and fl uidly with its users in a variety of contexts. ChatGPT is undoubtedly more versatile than some of the previous intelligent creative tools. It can easily handle a variety of creative tasks, from writing documents and papers to writing poems and writing codes. Not only that, ChatGPT is extremely effi cient and accurate, and it can produce high-quality text-content quickly. This technology not only greatly improves the creative effi ciency, but also provides more inspiration and possibilities for creators.

Original Research Article

by Yiman Zhang
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Wei Shujun, a post-90s director, stands as a prominent representative of China’s emerging fi lmmaking force.His distinctive visual style and profoundly introspective narrative approach have culminated in a singular meta-cinematic aesthetic.Through the portrayal o f the life trajectories of youth in small towns and the existential challenges of modern individuals, he delves into resonant topics such as youth, cinema, and societal ills, while articulating profound philosophical perspectives on youth, life, and a self-critical examination of the fi lm industry.

Original Research Article

by Lu Chen
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The development of rural tourism is an important measure to implement the strategy of rural revitalization. Research tourism is a new form of teaching through education and tourism, and it is a way to promote the combination of tourism and research learning. Research tourism and rural tourism are components of tourism industry respectively, the two have cross, mutual integration can promote rural revitalization and development. In the new era, the integrated development of research tourism and rural tourism is of great value. We should actively explore the integrated development path of the two, enhance the reception capacity of rural research tourism, strengthen product marketing and publicity, so as to increase market strength. Based on this, this paper analyzes the strategies for the integrated development of research tourism and rural tourism in the new period for reference.

Original Research Article

by Mengyuan Wu
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Literary translation is one of the important ways for people to understand the history, culture, and art of other countries. In this process, translators need to accurately translate literary works into two cultural languages, so that readers can better understand and feel English literary works while reading.In the era of new media, due to the improvement of people’s cultural literacy and aesthetic needs, higher requirements have been put forward for English literary translation.Translators need to keep up with the times and improve their English literary translation thinking.This article will point out the shortcomings of English literary translation in the era of new media, and analyze the thinking of English literary translation from the perspective of new media.

Original Research Article

by Fang Ouyang, Xinping Chen, Ting Zhang, Jiayun zhang
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In the process of express delivery, received a large number of unplanned customer orders, and have a certain time requirements, considering the two-way fl ow of goods, transportation costs, delivery time and other factors, obtain the dynamic data of GPS, GIS, MC and other platforms, use the city dynamic delivery point algorithm, calculate the shortest path, use the mileage saving method to combine the distribution path, Then use the hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize the overall integration of the minimum total distribution cost objective function, which can improve the convergence speed of the accounting, and get the sensitivity parameters that affect the optimal solution. An example shows that the proposed method can provide a better optimization scheme for express delivery cost.

Original Research Article

by Lihua Liu
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The digital development in the fi eld of education can help promote the transformation of higher education from scale to connotation.University teachers are also the backbone driving the development of education. Improving their digital literacy can promote the professional development of teachers and achieve innovative changes in higher education.At present, there are still some problems for university teachers in the process of digital awareness and professional development. This article mainly starts from multiple dimensions and proposes paths such as “changing concepts, enhancing the digital literacy awareness of university business teachers, strengthening skills, enhancing the adaptability of digital literacy of university business teachers, strengthening training, and enhancing the overall digital literacy skills of university business teachers”, aiming to promote the digital transformation of higher education.

Original Research Article

by Xing Zhang, Min Dai
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In the development process of China, the standardization of medical services started relatively late, but its development speed cannot be underestimated.However, compared with the actual work needs, there are still some problems in the standardization of medical services in China, such as a small number of standards and relatively narrow coverage, a complex process of standard formulation and insuffi cient funding, limited means of standard implementation and promotion, and incomplete eff ective supervision mechanisms, as well as coordination issues between standards across departments and regions. This to some extent restricts the development of current medical service standardization.Based on this, this article mainly explores the standardization of medical services in the context of the new era and proposes relevant optimization strategies.

Original Research Article

by Jianqiang Tan
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With the arrival of the "Internet plus" economic era, live streaming with goods and cross-border e-commerce have become new economic hot spots, accelerating the transformation of e-commerce industry, and the demand for innovative and complex e-commerce talents has increased signifi cantly.Universities should focus on the demand for talents in the e-commerce industry, deepen the integration of industry and education in e-commerce majors, and improve the mechanism of collaborative education between schools and enterprises;Promote modern apprenticeship system, organize students to deepen their learning in e-commerce enterprises, and improve their practical abilities;School enterprise joint construction of training bases to improve the teaching environment for e-commerce professional training;Collaborating between schools and enterprises to develop loose leaf textbooks and constructing a "industry academia research" teaching model;Improve the evaluation system for collaborative education between schools and enterprises, promote the sharing of educational resources, and comprehensively improve the quality of collaborative education between schools and enterprises in the fi eld of e-commerce.

Original Research Article

by Lijun Guan
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In the industrial production, copper as an important common metal, has strong thermal conductivity, processability and electrical conductivity, in the construction, electrical and mechanical industries have been widely used. However, copper in the big fl ag is easily oxidized, and then the formation of copper oxide, which also aff ects its actual application performance. In this regard, in order to further improve the corrosion resistance of copper and copper alloy, we can passivate it, but the actual process will also encounter some common faults, in this regard, this paper discusses the common faults and eff ective control methods of copper and copper alloy passivation, hoping to provide some references to the relevant people.

Original Research Article

by Hailong Yuan, Wanyong Jiang, Yanan Li
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The excellent traditional culture of China is the precious wealth accumulated by the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Its deep connotation including moral concept, value concept and life concept has important enlightenment and reference signifi cance for shaping modern enterprise culture. This paper starts from the factors that aff ect the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture and modern corporate culture, and summarizes the specifi c application of Chinese excellent traditional culture in the construction of modern corporate culture in detail, in order to provide a new idea and perspective for the construction of modern corporate culture, and help enterprises achieve sustainable development goals steadily.

Original Research Article

by Li Xiao
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Questionnaires and interviews are frequently used in research.This paper discusses the question design, implementation methods, and the advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaires and interviews. Although the two approaches have many diff erences, they can be combined to achieve more insights in our research work. he design and application of both questionnaires and interviews involve many factors that deserve our great attention and eff ort.Both questionnaire surveys and interview methods have their unique characteristics and advantages. In research work, they can be combined to gain more insights.

Original Research Article

by Yang Gao
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Institutions, structures, and capital are the core elements of educational governance in private universities, and their allocation methods and effi ciency determine the quality of the educational ecosystem in private universities.From the empirical investigation in H Province, it can be seen that the governance of private higher education generally faces practical diffi culties such as the constraints of regulatory implementation and supervision, insuffi cient guarantee of basic conditions, and internal friction caused by interest diff erentiation. From a theoretical and practical perspective, in order to optimize the educational ecology of private universities, it is necessary to construct a “three forces” system with organization as the core, scientifi cally allocate capital and structural elements;We must deepen the reform of the mechanism, streamline the relationship between the organization, board of directors, and administration;It is necessary to enhance leadership, decision-making, and execution capabilities, consolidate the innovative wisdom of all teachers and students in the school, and ultimately form a benign ecology of “organizational peace of mind, teacher and student satisfaction, and market effi ciency”.

Original Research Article

by Shan Wang
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The voluntary service of universities in the “Great Ideological and Political Course” is an effective way to practice the educational concept of “cultivating virtue and nurturing people” and “comprehensive education”.This article explores the educational value, problems, and paths of volunteer service in universities, in order to fully utilize th e educational function of volunteer service activities in universities, improve the volunteer service system in universities, enable students to establish correct “three views”, and construct a “great ideological and political” education pattern.

Original Research Article

by Sun Jiang, NORAINI
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This study examines the relationship between productive pedagogy approaches and academic performance, and the moderating role of socioeconomic status (SES) among elementary school students in Shanghai, China. Specifi cally, the study focuses on fi ve variables related to productive pedagogy approaches: collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning, diff erentiated instruction, active learning, and technology integration. The study uses a mixed-methods research design and collects data from elementary school teachers in Shanghai, China, through surveys and interviews. The data are analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics to identify the most eff ective productive pedagogy approaches and to examine the relationship between these approaches, academic performance, and SES. The fi ndings of this study could provide insights into how educators can design eff ective pedagogical approaches to improve academic outcomes and reduce achievement gaps between students from diff erent socioeconomic backgrounds.

Original Research Article

by Min Zhang
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Objective: To explore the eff ectiveness of formative evaluation in pediatric ultrasound clinical teaching. Methods: A total of 30 medical undergraduates who were enrolled in the ultrasound clinical practice in the Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University in 2023 were selected as the research objects and randomly divided into study group and control group, with 15 students in each group. T he teaching evaluation method used by the study group was formative evaluation, while the control group was terminal evaluation. A fter the teaching, the fi nal assessment results (theoretical results and technical results) of the two groups of students were compared and analyzed, and the students in the study group also gave feedback on the formative evaluation system. Results: By comparing the scores of the two groups, it was found that the scores of the study group were signifi cantly higher than those of the control group, and the diff erence was statistically signifi cant (P<0.05); 80% of the students believed that the application of formative assessment in pediatric ultrasound clinical teaching was helpful to the increase of their clinical thinking. 85% of the students believed that the application of the evaluation system in the clinical teaching of pediatric ultrasound had a certain promoting signifi cance to improve their doctor-patient communication ability; 90% of the students believed that the application of formative evaluation in pediatric ultrasound clinical teaching could eff ectively improve their own skill operation ability; 80% of the students believed that the application of the teaching evaluation system could stimulate their interest in learning to a certain extent. Conclusion: The application of formative evaluation in pediatric ultrasound clinical teaching can eff ectively improve students’ self-study ability, innovation ability and problem-solving ability, and can greatly improve the quality of pediatric ultrasound clinical teaching.

Original Research Article

by Ai Wang
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Against the backdrop of the accelerating process of comprehensive rule of law in the country, branches such as rule of law in enterprises and education are also steadily advancing.The rule of law involves multiple fi elds, and as stated in the Book of Rites, “To build a country and govern the people, education is the top priority.” It can be seen that the most important issue in governing a country is to focus on the education sector.The construction of teacher ethics, professional conduct, and the rule of law is a concrete manifestation of the implementation of the rule of law strategy in the fi eld of education, and can also comprehensively enhance and improve campus work in the new era.Rule of law in education is to promote the standardization and legalization of educational work through the law, regulate behaviors related to the fi eld of education, such as resolving campus confl icts, regulating teaching activities, and handling teaching relationships, making the responsibility boundaries of school education clearer. While protecting the legitimate rights and interests of teachers and students, it also helps to promote the healthy development of the education industry.Virtue governance starts from the inside, using ritual and music education to improve the quality of people’s hearts and make them consciously abide by these norms;The rule of law is external and constrains people’s external behavior through specifi c rules. The two complement each other and are the dual hubs of the construction of teacher ethics in universities.The country attaches great importance to the role of the rule of law in the construction of teacher ethics in universities, which is not only an objective need to address the diffi culties in the construction of teacher ethics in universities, but also an inevitable requirement for teaching and governing schools in accordance with the law.

Original Research Article

by Huizi Li
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The scale of China’s digital economy continues to expand, and the contribution of China’s digital economy continues to grow.The role of the digital economy in the national economy is further enhanced.At the same time, the digital economy has become the main driving force for global economic development.In the rapidly developing environment of emerging digital technologies, the digital economy has achieved good development.However, the development of the digital economy still faces many challenges. Firstly, there is a problem of insufficient support from information and communication technology for the industrial digital economy in the process of development. Secondly, the value of data is still in its early stages.The third issue is the long-term existence of the four “no” issues in industrial digitization.Finally, it is diffi cult for a consumer oriented digital economy to stimulate economic development.Although the digital economy faces various challenges, we need to actively reform and innovate, develop the digital economy, and better serve society, so that people can enjoy the dividends of the digital economy more.

Original Research Article

by Fenfen Hui
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French literature still has a certain infl uence in China, and there is a great room for development. Its communication has certain characteristics of The Times. The Chinese people also show a certain tendency of localization in the communication of French literature in China. In this regard, this paper analyzes the communication characteristics and acceptance characteristics of French literature in China, and on this basis introduces some ways of French literature in China, for reference only.

Original Research Article

by Shuhan Guo, Yuqin Li, Yan Li
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The purpose of this study was to understand the status quo of elderly people’s sense of meaning of life, understanding of social support and employment intention, and to explore the relationship among the three. The sense of meaning of life of the elderly is above the average level, the sense of social support is medium, the overall employment intention is low, and the total score of sense of meaning of life is signifi cantly positively correlated with the total score of sense of social support and its dimensions. There was a signifi cant positive correlation between the total score of sense of life meaning and employment intention. The overall employment intention of the elderly is low, and there are signifi cant diff erences in diff erent demographic variables. Understanding social support can positively predict the sense of life meaning; Improving the sense of meaning of life and understanding social support of the elderly have a positive eff ect on promoting employment.

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by Weiyu Wu
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At present, the rapid development of Internet technology has brought new development opportunities and challenges to the development of the accounting industry, and the accounting industry has also raised its requirements for talents.In this context, the courses and practical teaching of accounting majors in universities should also strengthen teaching reform, change traditional educational concepts and teaching models, in order to meet the industry’s demand for high-quality accounting talents.This article will briefl y analyze the current situation of accounting courses and practical teaching in universities, and explore the reform strategies of accounting courses and practical teaching in universities, in order to provide some reference for the teaching work of accounting teachers.

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by Yang Zhou
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In 2021, the Ministry of Education issued the Implementation Plan for the Review and Evaluation of Undergraduate Education and Teaching in Colleges and Universities (2021-2025), emphasizing that the international advanced concepts of “student_x005fcentered, output-oriented and continuous improvement” are fully docking, which points out the direction for the reform of college education and teaching. Colleges and universities should base on the OBE education concept, promote the construction of fi nance and accounting professional curriculum system, improve the professional curriculum system around learning content, teaching strategy, expected results and student evaluation, integrate fi nancial post skills into the professional curriculum system, and improve students’ post practical ability; Adhere to the goal-oriented, implement stratifi ed teaching, and improve students’ fi nancial and accounting practical handling ability; Adhere to the output-oriented, implement diversifi ed evaluation, and promote students’ all-round development; Innovate teaching concepts, implement project-based teaching, pay attention to students’ learning process guidance, help them master professional knowledge, and improve the quality of fi nance and accounting curriculum system construction.

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by Xueqin Kang
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With the further deepening of higher education, the teaching reform of Chinese language and literature majors is further deepened. It is not only necessary to focus on the teaching of Chinese language and literature, but also to integrate aesthetic education and humanistic education, further improving the quality of Chinese language and literature teaching and talent cultivation.Chinese language and literature teachers in universities should keep up with the times, actively carry out smart teaching and project-based teaching, and stimulate students’ interest in learning;Adhere to employment orientation, innovate the practical teaching mode of Chinese language and literature, and improve students’ comprehensive abilities;Transforming the concept of cultivating talents in Chinese language and literature, optimizing the curriculum system of Chinese language and literature majors;Actively opening a second classroom, deepening traditional culture and aesthetic education, promoting ideological and political education in the curriculum, improving students’ innovation ability, and comprehensively improving the quality of Chinese language and literature teaching.

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by Da Lian, Zhengjun Li
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According to the art form of paper cutting culture in northern Shaanxi, combined with the design characteristics of rural public art, relying on the planning project of Guojiagou village in northern Shaanxi, the public space of the village is designed by public art. Through the design and implementation can promote the inheritance of paper-cutting culture skills, but also for the development of contemporary new rural construction to provide feasible suggestions.

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by Xiaoxian Qiu
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With the continuous promotion of the requirements of the Ministry of Education for the construction of new engineering disciplines, China’s engineering education has offi cially entered a period of rapid development, and its scale is also constantly expanding. In the new era of national economic construction and technological development, the new round of basic education reform in engineering management undoubtedly puts forward higher requirements for the cultivation of practical, innovative, and professional abilities of students majoring in engineering management in universities.Practical teaching is not only an important component of teachers’ teaching work, but also a necessary path to enhance students’ above-mentioned abilities. It is also an important process to promote students to apply what they have learned. Therefore, it is imperative to increase the reform eff orts of practical teaching in the engineering management profession.In this regard, this article takes the new engineering discipline as the background, fi rst analyzes the importance of practical teaching in engineering management majors in universities, introduces the new requirements for talent cultivation in this profession in the construction of new engineering disciplines, and fi nally elaborates on the specifi c construction of the practical teaching system for engineering management majors, aiming to cultivate more excellent and practical engineering management professionals for the country and society, for reference only.

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by Fangmei Qiu
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The concept of “double carbon” advocates to vigorously use clean energy, reduce the use of high energy consumption carbon energy, and promote the economic development and environmental protection of enterprises to achieve a win-win situation, forming a green development model. Based on the “double carbon” background, the management concept of the enterprise is analyzed, hoping to achieve management innovation, and promote the economic and environmental benefi ts of the enterprise to achieve balance, for reference.

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by Tianxing Dai
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In recent years, the demand for Marine transportation is strong, navigation technology continues to develop, artificial intelligence, automation technology and big data technology have become the development trend of modern navigation technology, which is conducive to ensuring the safety of ship navigation, reducing the pollution of Marine environment, and promoting the rapid development of Marine industry. This paper analyzes the development trend of modern navigation technology, and puts forward the application of AIS technology in navigation practice to improve the accuracy of ship positioning and reasonable route planning; The digital simulation technology is applied to the navigation practice to detect the ship’s operating condition intelligently and eliminate the ship’s fault in time; The application of artifi cial intelligence technology in navigation practice can improve the stability of ship power plant, realize automation and intelligent driving, and promote the sustainable development of navigation.

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by Ming Xia
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Since the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Wenzhou’s highway construction has achieved remarkable results.Nowadays, Wenzhou is seizing the opportunity to be listed as a comprehensive transportation hub city, accelerating the construction of a strong transportation city, and ushering in a golden age of development for highways.This article fi rst introduces the investment and operation of highways in Wenzhou city, analyzes the challenges and opportunities faced by high-speed project construction under the existing situation and policies, and puts forward suggestions from the development of auxiliary industries, expanding capital channels, and strengthening debt management.

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by Lin Fu
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To study the training mode of artifi cial intelligence general education in colleges and universities is a key part of realizing the 2035 goal of education modernization. It not only helps to promote the innovative development of college education, but also has great signifi cance for improving the quality of talent training. Based on this, this paper analyzes the existing problems of the training mode of artificial intelligence general education in colleges and universities in the intelligent era. From the four perspectives of innovating the teaching concept with the core of improving students’ digital competency, constructing the “CEE” curriculum system for college artifi cial intelligence, creating the “OO2O -I PBL” teaching mode for college artificial intelligence, and building the “AI+U-G-E” collaborative education platform, this paper explores the talent training strategy. It aims to eff ectively solve the problems existing in the current training mode of artifi cial intelligence general education in colleges and universities, promote the innovative development of college education, improve the quality of talent training, and make positive contributions to the future scientifi c and technological development and social progress.

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by Wenxin Zhang, Yan Zhao
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In the new development situation, with the further development and extension of mobile communication information technology, a variety of application information will continue to appear in the cognitive vision of people in every era. In this era of we-media development, the continuous innovation of animation short video has gradually led the fi eld of animation industry to move forward. The continuous introduction of diversifi ed design concepts breaks traditional patterns and practices, actively ADAPTS to diff erent needs of consumer market and design audience, and fi nally makes traditional animation design more perfect to meet the common expectations of consumer market and design audience. Through case study and relevant theoretical research, this paper fi nds that people have higher and higher requirements for short animation videos in the era of fragmentation. High-quality content, beautiful pictures and sophisticated production are needed to better meet people’s aesthetic needs and other aspects. Through this study, the competitiveness of short animation videos in mainstream we-media platforms is increased, the development of the animation industry is further promoted, and the advantages of cultural communication are fi nally formed.

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by Xinchi Wang, Yan Yan
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As a world treasure with a long history, Chinese excellent traditional culture carries rich wisdom and values, and has been handed down from generation to generation. These traditional cultural elements contain the spiritual pursuit of the nation and the unique emotions of the nation, which are deeply rooted in the heart of the Chinese nation. Therefore, the clever application of these cultural elements in the IP image design can not only inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, but also inject new spiritual connotation into the current IP industry and enhance the cultural heritage and recognition of IP. Under the background of the increasing competition in today’s consumer market, global IP brands are actively seeking breakthroughs and innovations, hoping to create an image with unique personality and IP charm. IP image is therefore highly valued. It can not only give IP a more personalized and diff erentiated image, but also guide consumers’ emotional resonance, stimulate their purchase desire and IP loyalty. The use of traditional Chinese cultural elements to build IP image not only helps IP brands keep up with the trend of The Times, but also improves IP competitiveness and market position. Therefore, the combination of traditional culture and brand design has important and far-reaching signifi cance for domestic IP, which is not only the inheritance and protection of traditional culture, but also a strong promotion and help for the development of IP.

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by Tianxing Dai
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Currently, with the proposal and implementation of curriculum ideological and political construction, the educational role of curriculum ideological and political construction in higher education is becoming increasingly important.The implementation of ideological and political courses in fi nancial engineering in universities can not only eff ectively optimize the curriculum education mode, but also form a collaborative education situation of knowledge teaching, value guidance, and ability cultivation, thereby improving the eff ectiveness of fi nancial engineering education.This article analyzes the ideological and political construction strategies of fi nancial engineering courses in universities for reference.

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by Jiaona Zhu
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In response to the new era, cultivating innovative talents is a focus of many u niversities at present.In the context of intelligence, universities should combine the teaching characteristics of accounting majors, analyze the abilities that accounting professionals in new era universities need to possess, and actively implement eff ective teaching reform measures in combination with the problems in teaching. This can further improve the quality of talent cultivation and provide guarantees for students to enter positions in the future. This article conducts research on the cultivation of accounting professionals in universities in the era of intelligence, and puts forward corresponding opinions on this.

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by Yanzhu Li
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Culture is an important support for national development and a key factor for people to establish confi dence and faith.As a cradle for cultivating top talents in various fi elds, universities should focus on integrating traditional cultural literacy education into the talent cultivation process, eff ectively expanding the path of traditional cultural literacy cultivation.Based on this, this article conducts research on the path to enhance the traditional cultural literacy of college students majoring in fi nance and accounting. Firstly, the important value of enhancing the traditional cultural literacy of college students majoring in fi nance and accounting is analyzed, and the existing problems in the current cultivation process are elaborated. Based on this, corresponding practical strategies are proposed, including attaching importance to the infi ltration of traditional culture, carrying out characteristic education activities, linking students with professional ethics, creating a traditional cultural atmosphere, and playing the role of teachers as models, in order to eff ectively enhance the traditional cultural literacy of college students majoring in fi nance and accounting, laying a solid foundation for their future career development a nd social contributions.

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by Min Hu
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The integration of industry and education refers to the deep cooperation between industry and education, which is an important means for the construction and talent cultivation of financial engineering majors in applied universities. It is also the key to bridging the gap between universities and enterprises and promoting mutually beneficial development.In the new era of education and teaching reform, this article will focus on the integration of industry and education. Firstly, it briefl y explains the practical mode of industry education integration. Then, taking the fi nancial engineering major as an example, it deeply explores eff ective strategies for professional construction under the background of industry education integration, in order to provide a new perspective and ideas for the construction of the fi nancial engineering major, and help cultivate and develop excellent fi nancial engineering talents.

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by Min Hu
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Compared to traditional classroom teaching activities, the online and offl ine interactive teaching mode is more innovative and interesting, which can make the originally relatively dull college fi nancial accounting courses more diverse and colorful.At the same time, the introduction of online teaching has injected new impetus into fi nancial accounting courses, enabling teachers and students to adopt modern educational concepts and learning attitudes for teaching and learning.Based on this, this article fi rst briefl y introduces the application advantages of online and offline interactive teaching mode in financial accounting courses in universities, and proposes optimization strategies for this mode, in order to provide reference for the education and teaching of fi nancial courses in universities.

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by Xiaoxian Qiu
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Intelligent construction, as a new generation of engineering construction mode that integrates information technology and engineering construction technology, is one of the important means to promote high-quality development of China’s construction industry. Cultivating innovative and composite talents suitable for future intelligent construction development is of great practical signifi cance for the development of China’s digital economy and the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.Based on this, this article analyzes the new requirements of intelligent construction for the practical ability of engineering management professionals in universities. On this basis, it elaborates on the existing problems and optimization strategies of practical teaching in engineering management majors in universities under the background of intelligent construction, aiming to further promote professional teaching reform and provide some reference and reference for colleagues.

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by Xuancheng Lu
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In the new era, how to improve the quality of internal audit work, fully leverage the regulatory function of internal audit, establish standardized internal management mechanisms, and improve the internal governance system has become an important issue for universities to make scientifi c economic decisions and walk the path of sustainable development.This article briefl y analyzes the functions of internal audit work, starting from the healthy development of universities, the construction of clean governance, and the improvement of governance mechanisms. It elaborates on the necessity of strengthening internal audit in universities, and analyzes the diffi culties faced by internal audit work in universities by combining audit team building, information construction, result application, and independence. Starting from four aspects: strengthening audit team building, upgrading internal audit platform, strengthening the application of audit results, and ensuring the independence of internal audit, it explores the path for universities to promote the high-quality development of internal audit work.

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by Weiyu Wu
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With the advent of the big data era, various intelligent and information technologies have accelerated the transformation and upgrading of social production methods.In this context, traditional accounting methods can no longer meet the increasingly diversifi ed market demand, and the accounting industry is facing unprecedented changes.Based on this, in line with the development trend of the digital era, applying digital technologies such as big data and artifi cial intelligence to the training of accounting professionals in universities can help strengthen students’ big data thinking, exercise their information technology skills and data processing abilities.

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by Xueqin Kang
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Currently, various industries are constantly undergoing transformation and upgrading. Based on this, many universities regard the cultivation of applied talents as an important focus of education and teaching reform, in order to promote the improvement of talent training quality and provide talent support for social and economic development.The practicality of Chinese language and literature majors is relatively weak compared to science and engineering majors, but many teachers have recognized the current demand for humanistic applied talents in the Chinese language and literature industry, and have carried out teaching reform and innovation based on this.This article will analyze the current situation of cultivating humanistic applied talents in Chinese language and literature majors in universities, and explore optimization strategies for cultivating humanistic applied talents in Chinese language and literature majors in universities.

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by Xuancheng Lu
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With the continuous promotion of higher education reform, the cultivation of talents in universities not only requires solid professional knowledge and skills, but also requires n oble moral character and firm ideal beliefs.Therefore, integrating ideological and political education into the courses of fi nance and accounting majors, achieving an organic combination of knowledge transmission and value guidance, is of great signifi cance for cultivating high-quality fi nance and accounting talents with both morality and talent.However, in the practice of ideological and political construction in accounting courses, there are still many challenges and problems, including insuffi cient awareness of ideological and political construction among teachers, low teaching ability of ideological and political education among teachers, and insuffi cient resources for ideological and political construction in courses.In this regard, it is necessary for fi nancial and accounting teachers in universities to accelerate the exploration of the path of course ideological and political construction, deeply explore the ideological and political elements in fi nancial and accounting courses, integrate ideological and political content such as socialist core values, professional ethics, and the spirit of the rule of law into the teaching process, and guide students to establish correct worldviews, outlooks on life, and values.This article delves into the problems in the ideological and political construction of fi nancial and accounting courses in universities, and proposes corresponding construction paths, hoping to provide eff ective references.

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by Zhaohao Zhang, Huiyan He, Zhezhi Huang, Wenjing Li
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The Instructor team of Zhejiang Yuexiu University was established in 2009 and has trained a group of graduates so far. Through the analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey related to the employment situation of the members of the Instructor team, this paper further clarifi es the positive role of the training of the Instructor team in enhancing the employment competitiveness of students. And on this basis, from the perspective of promoting stud ents’ employment, the author puts forward constructive suggestions on the current system of the Instructor team.

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by Fu Liu
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With the deepening of quality education, higher requirements have been put forward for vocational English teaching, and improving ideological and political education in vocational English courses has become one of the important issues faced by teachers at present.Teachers should not only impart English knowledge and skills to students, but also cultivate their core English literacy. This requires teachers to actively explore new educational concepts and teaching methods to eff ectively enhance students’ awareness and ability to tell Chinese stories in English through ideological and political education.This article will analyze the current situation of ideological and political education in vocational English courses, and propose strategies for ideological and political education in vocational English courses, in order to enhance students’ English language ability and ideological literacy, and better tell the story of China in English.

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by Xu Xu
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Management audit is an evaluation and analysis of the management behavior of the government, enterprises, public institutions, and other social organizations with the development of China’s economy and the transformation of government functions. It is an important component of achieving scientifi c development in universities.In recent years, the public management of Chinese universities has achieved signifi cant results in building a public service-oriented government, but there are still problems such as unreasonable resource allocation, low effi ciency in fund utilization, and limited service capabilities.As a special public organization, universities have both common problems and their own characteristics in their operation.Therefore, the audit work of public management in universities must be combined with their own reality, comprehensively analyze the current problems and reasons, and seek innovative paths in the audit process.Based on this, this article explores the public management and innovation paths of universities from the perspective of management auditing, for reference.

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by Mengmeng Li, Beifang Liu, Ziyi Lu, Xintian Liu
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This paper mainly analyzes the current situation of emotional loss of left-behind children in rural areas, mainly manifested as: lack of sense of belonging and sense of value. Their lack of emotion has a negative impact on their English learning performance, mainly including: (1) learning English attitude: not correct; (2) learning English motivation: not strong; (3) learning English way: not fl exible. In the face of this dilemma, the author puts forward optimization strategies from the perspective of school, family and teachers, which not only provides a reference for the relevant research of left-behind children in the future, but also brings some inspiration for the further study of how to improve students’ English learning performance.

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by Zhichao Shen, Guang Cheng, Zhiming Liu, Huihui Qiu
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Photoanodes are an indispensable part of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The preparation process and method of photoanodes are important factors aff ecting the photoelectric performance of DSSCs. In this study, ZnO photoanodes were prepared on FTO conductive glass coated with ZnO seed layer by hydrothermal method, and a light scattering layer was introduced, and DSSCs were assembled. SEM and XRD were used to study the microstructure and phase structure of the generated crystals, and the photoelectric performance of the assembled dye-sensitized solar cells was tested by an electrochemical workstation. The results show that the photoelectric performance is better when ZnO nanosheets are placed in 0.07M zinc nitrate/urea growth solution at 90℃ for 4h reaction light scattering layer. The Short-circuit current density (Jsc), Open-circuit voltage (Voc), Fill factor (Fill factor) of the obtained cell were obtained. FF) and photoelectric conversion effi ciency (PCE) are 17.05mA/ cm-2, 0.61V, 0.59 and 6.05%, respectively.

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by Shuai He, Maoshui Jing
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With the continuous development of higher education internationalization, the number of international students in China’s higher vocational colleges is also increasing year by year. As for the international students in China, they come from all over the world, so there are great diff erences in behavior habits, ideology and other aspects, which brings great challenges for the student management in higher vocational colleges. Therefore, how to do a good job in the education and management of international students in this era of “cross-cultural communication” has become an important issue worth thinking and paying attention to in colleges and universities. In this regard, this paper analyzes how to strengthen the education and management of international students in higher vocational colleges from the perspective of “Isai-guided learning”, in order to provide some new ideas for the development of education management in major higher vocational colleges.

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by Baoxiang Kang, Qinghe Zhang, Ying Wang, Jiang Ma
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Due to the special nature of industrial solid waste phosphogypsum itself, it can be eff ectively used in many fi elds such as chemical industry, agriculture, transportation and so on. For example, phosphogypsum can be used in the construction fi eld to make gypsum board. Industrial solid waste phosphogypsum will not only have an impact on environmental quality, but also threaten people’s health, so the application of the corresponding method of phosphogypsum pretreatment, not only can reduce pollution, but also can provide an important guarantee for human development and survival. Therefore, this paper analyzes the main causes of industrial solid waste phosphogypsum and the infl uence of impurities in industrial solid waste phosphogypsum. At the same time, it also discusses the pretreatment of industrial solid waste phosphogypsum and the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste phosphogypsum.

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by Xiaohui Wei
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This study takes small and medium-sized enterprises as the research object, based on the exploration of existing scholars, uses the perspective of confi guration to match TOE framework, and builds an integrated analysis system. Using the Typical Case Set of “Chain” digital transformation of Small and medium-sized enterprises (2022), 20 chain digital transformation enterprises are selected as samples, and based on the three dimensions of TOE theory, Applying fsQCA method and configuration thinking mode, different main conditions are confi gured with each other to form a confi guration of suffi cient and necessary conditions, analyzing the actual cause and eff ect of the digital transformation of smes, and exploring the drive of diff erent mechanisms of multiple concurrent factors in depth. It is expected that the results of this study will provide some management enlightenment for smes and provide practical reference for practitioners and managers to formulate matching digital transformation routes based on their own situations.

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by Xiaolin Hu, 박종빈
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The design management course is of great importance in the business field. It can help students master the nature and method of design management, and promote students to better adapt to the post needs. Based on this, this paper studies the teaching of design management in higher vocational colleges. Firstly, it analyzes the existing problems in the teaching of design management in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward corresponding optimization strategies in view of these problems. By setting up a reasonable course system, carrying out project-based teaching, organizing students to participate in enterprise visits, and enriching teaching evaluation forms, etc. The aim is to improve the teaching quality of design management major in higher vocational colleges and cultivate high-quality talents who are more in line with the market demand, hoping to provide references for educators.

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by Wenli Jiang, Jingye Wang, Yiyao Wen, Hansu Wang
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Under the strategy of rural revitalization, with the popularization of Internet technology and the increasing demand of consumers for convenient shopping, strawberry e-commerce is booming in Dandong, but there are still many problems.After analyzing the current situation, environment, model, achievements, and problems of Dandong Strawberry E-commerce, this article proposes suggestions for diversifi ed customization, strengthened supervision of products, and innovative strategies, in order to help the development of Dandong Strawberry E-commerce.

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by Jiazhi Jiang, Lin Zhao, Yahong Sun, Zhiying Nie
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Since the implementation of collaborative education between families, schools, and communities, some achievements have been made, but there are still some problems, especially after the implementation of the “double reduction” policy. It is further emphasized to strengthen the importance of collaborative education between families, schools, and communities.In previous studies, most of them used theoretical discussions on collaborative education between families, schools, and communities, but lacked empirical research.Therefore, in order to make up for the shortcomings of previous research, this study aims to investigate the county area of Qingdao, summarize the mature experience of family school social education in the past, identify its shortcomings, and propose feasible suggestions, in order to enrich the empirical research of family school social cooperation in education.Through research, it has been found that there are a series of problems in the current practice of family school community collaborative education in Qingdao, such as insufficient understanding of family education by parents, insuffi cient disposable time, and low participation in the community and society.In view of this, this study proposes corresponding suggestions and measures to promote collaborative education between families, schools, and communities.

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by Xiaoying Liu, Henan Wang
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Marxist philosophy, as a powerful theoretical tool for understanding and changing the world, its integration and application with the socialist market economy system, and the application of scientifi c theory of unity of opposites and practical theory to deeply analyze the diffi culties of continuing to measure goodwill at the current stage, have an undeniable positive eff ect on promoting the development of China’s accounting system.This article is based on Marxist materialist epistemology and dialectics. Firstly, it reviews the development process of subsequent measurement of goodwill in recent years and analyzes its rationality. Secondly, it points out that diff erences in the goals of fi nancial reporting are the key reasons for the dilemma of goodwill measurement. Finally, combined with the “management activity theory”, it proposes solutions to explore the dilemma of goodwill measurement from the perspective of accounting essence.

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by Mingfan Liu, Junfeng Gong, Xiaojing Zhang, Feng Zhang
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With the improvement of social and economic levels, the pace of modern life is constantly accelerating, and the number of transportation vehicles is constantly increasing, which puts higher requirements on the quality of bridge engineering.Due to multiple factors, bridge construction may suff er from structural diseases, which can aff ect normal traffi c.This article starts with the stability of bridge structures, smooth traffi c fl ow, and safety of bridge transportation, and elaborates on the necessity of dealing with common diseases in bridge engineering. Targeting common diseases such as uneven settlement, concrete cracks, bridge erosion, and steel bar corrosion, targeted solutions and strategies are proposed to ensure the reliability and stability of bridges and provide convenience for modern people’s travel.

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by Weihua He
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This paper discusses the importance, present situation and corresponding strategies of integrating Chinese excellent traditional culture into ideological and political teaching in vocational colleges. First of all, the integration of traditional culture helps to enhance students’ cultural self-confi dence and national identity, and cultivates their correct outlook on life and values. Secondly, it is found that the traditional culture is not integrated into the current ideological and political courses in vocational through the analysis of the current situation. Finally, it puts forward some strategies such as strengthening teacher training, innovating teaching activities, enriching teaching subjects and optimizing integration mechanism to improve the eff ectiveness of ideological and political teaching.

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by Zi LI, Shan LAN
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In response to the disparity in English pronunciation profi ciency observed among fi rst-year English majors, and drawing upon the technological advancements of the information age, a novel teaching model has been formulated for English phonetics courses. This model is designed with the intent of addressing the limitations inherent in traditional phonetics teaching and emancipating instruction from the confines of the conventional classroom setting. Its primary objective is to facilitate a transition from passive to autonomous learning. Furthermore, it endeavors to reorient the pedagogical approach from one characterized by mechanical rote-learning to a more dynamic and interactive educational experience, incorporating elements of self-refl ection alongside external evaluative measures.

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by Xueshan Jia, Weihang Liang
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With the continuous development of information technology, our country gradually entered the era of big data. In the background of th is era, good data analysis activities can be carried out with the help of big data technology to provide convenience for people’s lives. As an important part of social aff airs, hospitals need to keep up with the pace of big data era and carry out good medical records management activities. Starting from the background of big data, this paper analyzes the measures of hospital medical record archives management to accumulate experience for the modern development of hospitals.

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by Guangming Lu, Ping Zhang
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Traditional stereo matching algorithms based on dynamic programming only consider the disparity smoothing constraint of adjacent pixels in the row direction of the image, but ignore the disparity smoothing constraint of neighboring pixels in the column direction, resulting in a solution also known as the epipolar optimal solution.This matching method ignores the smoothness constraint in the column direction, resulting in a high mismatch rate in the column direction, resulting in clear disparity stripes on the resulting disparity map.In response to this issue, this article proposes a stereo matching algorithm based on row row bidirectional dynamic programming, which improves the matching eff ect to a certain extent.In the process of minimizing the energy function, the dynamic optimization method is fi rst used in the row direction to provide the energy minimization value of the disparity map. Then, based on the solution result of the row dynamic programming, the corresponding data items in the energy function are updated. Finally, the dynamic programming optimization is performed in the column direction to obtain a dense disparity map.

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by Heqiang Zhou
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Digital Camera is a compulsory course in related majors such as fi lm and television, radio and television directing, digital media art, journalism, advertising, animation, and network and new media in applied universities in China.In the context of the development of short videos, “Digital Camera” faces many new problems in practical teaching. In this regard, this article proposes some innovative paths, hoping to provide meaningful reference for the current teaching of “Digital Camera”.

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by Jiajie Zhai
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In the perspective of quality education reform, universities should not only focus on the quality of curriculum teaching, but also pay attention to the physical and mental health of students, aiming to promote their comprehensive development.Based on the actual situation, it can be seen that various unexpected events have occurred in multiple universities, which have had a negative impact on students themselves and the image of the university.Therefore, many universities have gradually improved the construction and implementation of emergency management mechanisms for unexpected events, which can to some extent reduce the frequency of emergencies.At present, there are various problems with the emergency response mechanisms constructed by some universities, which have resulted in poor emergency management eff ectiveness. In view of this, this article combines existing theories and experiences to discuss the construction and application of emergency response mechanisms for emergencies. Combining its current situation, problem analysis, and root cause analysis, specifi c mechanism construction paths are proposed to provide reference basis for relevant personnel.

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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

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Manuscript Format

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The title should capture the conceptual significance for a broad audience. The title should not be more than 50 words and should be able to give readers an overall view of the paper’s significance. Titles should avoid using uncommon jargons, abbreviations and punctuation.

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Introduction should provide a background that gives a broad readership an overall outlook of the field and the research performed. It tackles a problem and states its importance regarding the significance of the study. Introduction can conclude with a brief statement of the aim of the work and a comment about whether that aim was achieved.

Materials and Methods

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This section can be divided into subheadings. This section focuses on the results of the experiments performed.


This section should provide the significance of the results and identify the impact of the research in a broader context. It should not be redundant or similar to the content of the results section.


Please use the conclusion section for interpretation only, and not to summarize information already presented in the text or abstract.

Conflict of Interest

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Tables, Lists and Equations

Tables created using Microsoft Word table function are preferred. The tables should include a title underneath. Titles and footnotes/legends should be concise. These must be submitted together with the manuscript. Likewise, lists and equations should be properly aligned and its meaning clear to readers. For listing things within the main body of the manuscript, please use Arabic numerals in parenthesis (e.g. (1), (2), (3), (4), etc.)

Supplementary Information

This section is optional and contains all materials and figures that have been excluded from the entire manuscript. These materials are relevant to the manuscript but remain non-essential to readers’ understanding of the manuscript’s main content. All supplementary information should be submitted as a separate file in Step 4 during submission. Please ensure the names of such files contain ‘suppl. info’. Videos may be included in this section.

In-text citations

Reference citations in the text should be numbered consecutively in superscript square brackets. Some examples:

a) Negotiation research spans many disciplines[3, 4].

b) This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman[5].

c) This effect has been widely studied[1–3, 7].

Personal communications and unpublished works can only be used in the main text of the submission and are not to be placed in the Reference section. Authors are advised to limit such usage to the minimum. They should also be easily identifiable by stating the authors and year of such unpublished works or personal communications and the word ‘Unpublished’ in parenthesis. E.g. (Smith J, 2000, Unpublished)



This section is compulsory and should be placed at the end of all manuscripts. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should be excluded from this section.

References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in parentheses. Authors referenced are listed with their surname followed by their initials. All references should also appear as an in-text citation. References should follow the following pattern: Author(s), title of publication, full journal name in italics followed by year of publication, volume number, issue number in parenthesis and lastly, page range. If the referred article has more than three authors, list only the first three authors and abbreviate the remaining authors to italicized ‘et al.’ (meaning: "and others"). If the DOI is available, please include it after the page range.

Standard journal article

Journal article (print) with one to three authors

Halpern SD, Ubel PA. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. The New England Journal of Medicine 2002 Jul 25;347(4):284-7.

Journal article (print) with more than three authors

Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Research 2002;935(1-2):40-6.

Journal article (online) with one to three authors

Jackson D, Firtko A and Edenborough M. Personal resilience as a strategy for surviving and thriving in the face of workplace adversity: A literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007; 60(1):1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04412.x.

Journal article (online) with more than three authors

Hargreave M, Jensen A, Nielsen TSS, et al. Maternal use of fertility drugs and risk of cancer in children—A nationwide population-based cohort study in Denmark. International Journal of Cancer 2015; 136(8): 1931–1939. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ijc.29235.


Book with one to three authors

Schneider Z, Whitehead D and Elliott D. Nursing and Midwifery Research: Methods and Appraisal for Evidence-based Practice, 3rd ed. Marrickville, NSW: Elsevier Australia; 2007.

Book with more than three authors

Davis M, Charles L, Curry M J, et al. Challenging Spatial Norms, London: Routledge; 2003.

Chapter or Article in Book

Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.

*Note that the editor’s name is not inverted.


Proceedings of meetings and symposiums, conference papers

Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza's computational effort statistic for genetic programming. In: Foster JA, Lutton E, Miller J, Ryan C, Tettamanzi AG, editors. Genetic programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 Apr 3-5; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer; 2002. p. 182-91.

Conference proceedings (from electronic database)

Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumour Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002.

Online Document with author names

Este J, Warren C, Connor L, et al. Life in the clickstream: The future of journalism. Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance. 2008; Retrieved from http://www.alliance.org.au/documents/ foj_report_final.pdf

Online Document without author name

Princeton Writing Program. (n.d.). Developing an argument. Retrieved from http://web.princeton.edu/ sites/ writing/Writing_Center/WCWritingResources.htm


Borkowski MM. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [dissertation]. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University; 2002.


Standards Australia Online. Glass in buildings: Selection and installation. AS 1288-2006, amended January 31, 2008. Retrieved from SAI Global database 2006.

Government Report

National Commission of Audit. Report to the Commonwealth Government, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service 1996.

Government report (online)s

Department of Health and Ageing.Ageing and aged care in Australia; 2008. Retrieved from http://www.health.gov.au/internet/ main/publishing.nsf/Content/ageing


Rencher W F. Bioadhesive pharmaceutical car- rier. US Patent 5462749 A. 1995.

No author

Guide to agricultural meteorological practices, 2nd ed. Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization, Geneva; 1981.

Note: When referencing an entry from a dictionary or an encyclopedia with no author there is no requirement to include the source in the reference list. In these cases, only cite the title and year of the source in-text. For an authored dictionary/encyclopedia, treat the source as an authored book.



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The article categories within the journal include (but not limited to) the following fields: Developing Self-awareness Managing Stress and Well-being Problem Solving Leadership Empowering Entrepreneurship Principle of Planning and Planning Tools Decision Making Motivation Managing Organization Culture Controlling Management Managing Conflict System Approach Human Resource Management Production and Control


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All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Modern Management Forum are undergone a stringent peer review process which aims to uphold the high quality of papers published in Modern Management Forum and ensure the truthful and accurate reporting of the research work.


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 News and Updates

Journal Notice: The volume 3 issue 1 is published.

The volume 3 issue 1 of our journal is Publihed, weclome readers to read and quotes. The Read link is here: http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/MODERN-MANAGEMENT-FORUM/issue/view/72
Posted: 2019-11-28 More...

Journal Notice: Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Modern Management Forum

This special issue of MODERN MANAGEMENT FORUM is dedicated to the studies on Econophysics in Modern Financial Management. We see a spectrum of interest rates and asset returns across financial markets which has made arbitraging a threat to the rationalization of returns which ought to be the natural outcome of globalization of businesses. By studying the interaction of econophysics with financial management principles we ought to be able to narrow the gaps and spreads thus making asset markets more efficient. Hence, we dedicate this issue to the particular issue of Econophysics in Modern Financial Management.

The Lead Guest Editor

Soumitra Kumar Mallick

Posted: 2019-05-22 More...

Journal Notice: Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Modern Management Forum

In the world, waste production occurs at a considerable rate, and very few of them are recycled. It is important to improve recycling ways of ferrous and non-ferrous production industries wastes in order to reduce the damage to the environment and the economy. These industrial wastes can be reused in many other industry applications. 

The Lead Guest Editor

Sinem Çevik

Posted: 2019-05-27 More...