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Atmosphere C 0 2 effect of elevated concentrations on bacterial ability of the lush membrane sponge in the filtration of seawater

xiaofang Zhang


 simulates the atmosphere CO2 increased concentration , to study its effects on the function of sponge filter bacteria . in the simulated atmosphere CO2Increased concentration State system , Explore the atmosphere CO2 concentration 387 , , 750 and 1 |imol/mol Lush Film sponge in the Environment ( field _pewevis)filter Sterilization of Escherichia coli in seawater, Coft as 1.1017 and brilliant Vibrio (f?fen_o ip/ewrf/rfms) Capabilities . knot fruit indicates : on H experiment period ,Simulate atmosphere C 0 2 from the current 387 |imol/mol elevated to |imol/mol , Lush Membrane sponge filter The efficiency of the E. coli and the brilliant Vibrio increased by . When simulating the atmosphere CO2 750 |imol/mol when , Lush membrane sponge filter The large intestine pole in seawater The bacteria and the brilliant Vibrio function are all down , indicates that lush membrane sponges have been exposed to high concentrations in the atmosphere C 0 2 Damage . Simulate atmosphere C 0 2 to 1 $ |imol/mol when , Lush membrane sponge loss of Escherichia coli and Vibrio in the filtered seawater . the result can be for Solution Atmosphere CO 2 The scientific basis for the effect of concentrations on nearshore marine ecosystems .


Atmosphere CO2 concentration promotion ; affects ; Lush film Sponge ( Farm ™e«__ac_ (io«/) ewev_s); Fil-ter ; bacteria

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ZHANG Xiao-fang1, XU Hui2, LIU Hong-wen2, Wang Ming-tao4, Wang Ren-bin 3,

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v2i1.1141
