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The purpose and scope of the publication of the J. of Atmosphere and Ocean Environment is to fully demonstrate the research results of the international atmosphere and ocean sciences, strengthen international academic exchanges and explorations, and promote the development of international atmospheric and marine sciences, for the global scientific development and economy. The construction of services; the publication guidelines are: based on the international, to promote innovation, the pursuit of quality; task is: to report the latest scientific achievements of the global atmospheric and marine science.

The journal will serve the scientists in the international atmosphere and marine science field wholeheartedly. We also hope to receive the strong support of experts and scholars. We sincerely welcome everyone to contribute!

Main columns: environmental geology, methods and applications, express reports, and academic discussions.

J. of Atmosphere and Ocean Environment Instructions for Authors in English Magazine
1. Reliable data, accurate data, and standardized writing.
2. article structure: title, author, author unit, abstract, keywords, article body, references, authors, authors detailed communication address, telephone, email.
3. the topics involved in the paper such as the author's country special funds or research projects, should be noted in the article below the text.

Universe Scientific Publishing Welcomes Cooperation

  Vol 11, No 2 (2023)


Table of Contents


by Samuel Olatunde Popoola, Akintunde Adewole Adegbite, Esther Karo Oghenede, Solomon Mordi
274 Views, 0 PDF Downloads, 0 Supp Downloads
Marine sediments found in the Mid-Ocean Ridges serve as repositories for both naturally occurring (geogenic)
and human-generated (anthropogenic) metals. Understanding the geochemistry and processes of these sediments is crucial
for assessing their source, compositional end-members, and environmental impact. This study applied geochemical ratios
and proxies to representative samples from the Carlsberg Ridge, Indian Ocean, to determine the influence of hydrothermal
circulations on the near-vent hydrothermal sediments (NVS) and ridge flank sediments (RFS) and the potential effect of
toxic trace metals on the benthic ecosystems. The bulk chemical compositions of seven representative hydrothermal
indicator metals (Ca, Al, Ti, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) and seven representative toxic trace metals (Pb, Ni, Co, Cr, As, Cd, and
Co) were analyzed at the A laboratory services in Guangzhou, China, by Agilent 7700 Inductively Couple Plasma Mass
Spectrometer (ICPMS). The geochemical signatures Fe/(Al + Fe + Mn) > 0.5; Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) < 0.3; (Fe + Mn)/Al >
2.5; and (Fe + Mn)/Ti > 25 affirm the proximity of the NVS and the distal position of RFS to the Wocan vent site in the
Carlsberg Ridge, Indian Ocean. The pollution indices, ecological risk index, and sediment quality guidelines showed low
to moderate contamination, low to moderate severity, and low to moderate ecological risk of As, Cd, Sb, Pb, Ni, Co, and
Cr to the benthic ecosystems at RFS. This is an indication of low to moderate anthropogenic influence from hydrothermal
venting to the ridge flank sediment (RFS). This study has shown that an understanding of background and threshold
concentrations can guide the development of strategies to reduce the impact of human activities on marine ecosystems.

Original Research Article

by Xiaolin Zhang
150 Views, 0 PDF Downloads

The profound influence of the Antarctic Ocean freshening on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is investigated in this study by utilizing a series of fully coupled ocean-atmosphere 400-year-modeling experiments. The simulated results derived from the Fast Ocean-Atmosphere Model (FOAM) can reasonably identify the spatial pattern and time period (10–20 years and 20–50 years) of the observed PDO with slightly weak amplitudes. In the sensitivity experiment (Southern Ocean Water Hosing), 1.0 Sv (Sverdrup, 1Sv = 1.0 × 106 m3/s) freshwater flux is uniformly imposed over the Antarctic Ocean for 400 years. As a response to this Antarctic Ocean freshening, the Tropical Pacific Ocean displays a normal “La Niña pattern”, while the low-frequency variability within the North Pacific Ocean is much weakened. Preserving the PDO’s spatial pattern, the multidecadal (20–50 years) magnitude becomes weak and shifts toward higher frequency. In contrast, the decadal magnitude of the PDO (10–20 years) is slightly reinforced and also shifts towards higher frequency. Dynamical analysis indicates that the shortening of the PDO multidecadal variability is mainly caused by the acceleration of the first-baroclinic-mode Rossby waves. The spreading of the fresh anomalies and associated increasing stratification in the North Pacific Ocean result in the shortening of the long Rossby wave propagation to cross the subtropical North Pacific basin. A heat budget analysis further shows that the upper-ocean thermodynamic variability in relationship to the stratification oscillation in the North Pacific Ocean is mainly associated with the anomalous behaviors of the meridional advection, heat flux and ocean mixing.


Original Research Article

by Dhaneshwari Sahu, Hemant Kumar Awasthi, Nyaypati Venkat Ravi Shekhar
101 Views, 0 PDF Downloads
Vermicompost is a great choice for organic manures as a soil amendment input. Female entrepreneurship is one of the most significant contributors to the growth of any economy. New businesses contribute to the construction of a successful business environment through economic growth, the creation of novel employment possibilities, and innovations in methods of production and products. Even though the share of women-owned and operated businesses in India has been growing gradually over the years, their overall representation continues to be very low. In this research, a computational analysis of the socioeconomic status of 134 women vermicompost producers was evaluated by using a pre-tested questionnaire to interview these women about various key independent and dependent characteristics. The findings were separated, correlated, and evaluated with averages and percentages as needed. The study concluded that vermicomposting improved rural women’s societal power, as demonstrated by their ability to pay for their families’ educational requirements and their economic contribution.

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Focus and Scope

The purpose and scope of the publication of the J. of Atmosphere and Oceanography Environment is to fully demonstrate the research results of the international atmosphere and ocean sciences, strengthen international academic exchanges and explorations, and promote the development of international atmospheric and marine sciences, for the global scientific development and economy. The construction of services; the publication guidelines are: based on the international, to promote innovation, the pursuit of quality; task is: to report the latest scientific achievements of the global atmospheric and marine science.

The journal will serve the scientists in the international atmosphere and marine science field wholeheartedly. We also hope to receive the strong support of experts and scholars. We sincerely welcome everyone to contribute!

Main columns: environmental geology, methods and applications, express reports, and academic discussions.

J. of Atmosphere and Ocean Environment Instructions for Authors in English Magazine
1. Reliable data, accurate data, and standardized writing.
2. article structure: title, author, author unit, abstract, keywords, article body, references, authors, authors detailed communication address, telephone, email.
3. the topics involved in the paper such as the author's country special funds or research projects, should be noted in the article below the text.


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Analyzing roadside dust to identify potential health concerns

Everyone knows that cars contribute to air pollution. And when most people consider the source, exhaust is usually what comes to mind.

However, new research led by the University of Pennsylvania's Reto Gieré, working with collaborators across the world, is helping to illuminate another significant culprit when it comes to traffic-related air pollution: Tiny bits of tires, brake pads, and road materials that become suspended in the air when vehicles pass over.

"More and more I've noticed that we don't know enough about what is on our roads," says Gieré, professor and chair of Penn's Department of Earth and Environmental Science in the School of Arts and Sciences. "If you have lots of traffic, cars, and trucks driving by, they re-suspend the dust on the roads into the atmosphere, and then it becomes breathable. To understand the potential health implications of these dust particles, it's really important to understand what's on the road."

Posted: 2018-09-12

Nearly two million acres on fire in the United States

The West Coast of the United States is shrouded in smoke from the 110 large fires (this does not include smaller fires within each complex of fires) that have erupted across the region during this fire season.

Over 1.9 million acres are or have been ablaze. Six new large fires were reported in Idaho, Nevada and Oregon over the weekend and eight large fires have been contained including the Ferguson Fire near Yosemite National Park in California.

The weather concerns in the area include warmer than average temperatures that will continue in the west with diurnal winds and marginal overnight humidity recoveries. Isolated storms will be ……

Posted: 2018-09-12

Ocean's heat cycle shows that atmospheric carbon may be headed elsewhere

As humans continue to pump the atmosphere with carbon, it's crucial for scientists to understand how and where the planet absorbs and naturally emits carbon.

A recent study in the journal Nature Geosciences examined the  and suggests that existing studies may have misgauged how carbon is distributed around the world, particularly between the northern and southern hemispheres. The results could change projections of how, when and where the currently massive levels of atmospheric carbon will result in environmental changes such as ocean acidification.

By reexamining ocean circulations and considering the carbon-moving power of rivers, the study's authors suggest that as much as 40 percent of the world's atmospheric carbon absorbed by land needs to be reallocated from existing estimates. In particular, the Southern Ocean encircling Antarctica and forests in the northern —while still substantial absorbers or "sinks" of carbon —may not take up as much as scientists have figured.

"The carbon story we got is more consistent with what people have observed on the ground," said first author Laure Resplandy, an assistant professor of geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-06-ocean-atmospheric-carbon.html#jCp
Posted: 2018-09-12