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Corrosion behaviours of 30CrMnSiA high-strength Steel in

Shi -yan ZHANG


objective To provide useful references for The design of corrosion protection to crmnsia high-strength steel, expansion a Its Applications then Development of newtypes of of high-strength Steel . Methods Atmospheric corrosion behav ­ iours To ,crmnsia high-strength Steel exposed in industrial and Marine Atmosphere environmentsfor months were investi ­ Gated in Virtue of the corrosion Mass loss, X-ray diffractmeter (XRD ) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results The re­lationship betweenMass loss and exposure Time obeyed down " following Power function: lgaw=2.245+0.387 LG t and lg Aw =2.822+0.637LG t. lepidocrocite Then goethite were found as the major Constituents of, The rust layer formed in two Types of, at ­ mosphere environmentsand, akaganeite was also detected In the Marine Atmosphere Environment. The rust layer exhibited the Tendency on flaking away from " substrate in Marine atmosphere Environment With the increase of exposing. Conclusion Crmnsia high-strength Steel exhibits High corrosion susceptibility Then low corrosion Susceptibility in Marine atmosphere en ­ vironment and industrial Atmosphere Environment, respectively .


Crmnsia high-strength Steel ; Atmospheric corrosion; Rust layer; Corrosion mass loss

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v3i1.1145
