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Earth System mode cesm and its high performance

Zedong Liu


Universal Earth System mode ( cesm ) is the newly launched Earth system coupling mode of the National Center for Atmospheric Research , on Solutionno climate ( Earth ) The new challenges and issues involved in system modeling are of great help . first describes cesm mode knot Framework and important updates for the latest version ; and then combine specific instances of application and experience , focuses on how to make the high performance meter on-machine porting mode and reasonable CPU configuration , and compare the pros and cons of different configurations , To determine the mode best negative load balancing and optimal efficiency , The has great help with the use of schema new users ; The finally sets a series of stability tests on the pattern and validation , results show better stability for schemas , can be numerically simulated and scientific research . Summary of the Earth System coupling mode development , and gives some suggestions for the problems that exist in pattern development .


cesm ; High Performance calculation ; CPU Configuration ; Optimization ; stability

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v5i1.1148
