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Monitoring to Carbon Steel atmosphere corrosion Behavior Based on elec-Trochemical Noise Technology

Huan-huan Hu


objective Based on electrochemical noise technology, corrosion behavior Monitoring system of Q235 carbon steel is con Structed to monitor the corrosion process of Q235 carbon steel in the marine atmosphere. Methods the electrochemical noise data collected was analyzed by Time-domain spectrogram and frequency domain spectrogram. Results in the stage of 0.5 h-2.0 H (Sunny), the current noise amplitude was s Mall; The Time-domain spectra appeared a few transient peaks; White noise didn ' t appear on frequency spectra; The electrode was in passivation; From H to 47.5 h (rainy), the current fluctuated and the noise spectra appeared a large of transient; The slope of the PSD declined fast; The electrode surface was eroded; The electrode was in the steady pitting corrosion period. conclusion the monitoring system could continuously monitor corrosion Behaviors of Q235 carbon steel in the marine atmosphere.


electrochemical noise time-domain spectrogram Power Spectral Density

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v6i1.1159
