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Research on Community Service Smart Endowment Model in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province

Lin Lin, Zhongfeng Hu, Changxin Bi


In this article, in order to solve the problem of the current social endowment, promote economic transformation and sustainable social development in China, by studying the current population aging speed in Yuexiu of Guangzhou in China and the social background of rapid rise of the Internet industry. It combines the advanced Internet informatization technology, intelligent technology and pension industry to innovate on the basis of aged-care at home, institution endowment, forming an “Internet + endowment” wisdom of community service pension mode. By analyzing the relevant data of aging population, this article concludes the feasibility, necessity and practicality of this pension model through describing the current situation of home-based smart pension in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou in China.


The Internet; Smart Retirement; Community Endowment; Aging Population

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/mmf.v4i4.2786
