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by Gang1 PAN
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According to the technology and equipment development of shotcrete at home and abroad, we describe the Technic Al features and application situation, and analyze performance characteristics and technical Equipment in the main development stage; Based on the colliery production technical features, the application situation of wet shotcrete, technology and the Development trend are studied, and the development to wet shotcrete technology and equipment is divided into three different STA GES : Importing and absorbing, improving and developing, studying and applying; Then address the development trend of shotcrete technology in terms of mechanization, material ratio and the EW admixtures.



by Zhongcheng MA
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 shotcrete Technologies take important effects on implementation processes of Shotcrete. Meanwhile the choice of accelerators influences directly application the shotcrete of technologies. Development History of Shotcrete Technologies was specified from twoaspects of dry spraying and wet spraying b11>;application researches of accelerators were expounded from all two perspectives of powder and liquid;Problems of shotcrete technoloies and accelerators currently Existing in projects were pointedout;andprospect forecast of Shotcrete Technologies and accelerators was given.



by Jahai deep
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The carries out finite element analysis of the conveying process of aerated concrete , According to the flow pattern distribution and trajectory of concrete pellets in the process of conveying , Get Concrete pellets in the pneumatic conveying process with " thin flow planktonic " conditions for delivery , not only optimizes structural parameters for aerated concrete wet-jet machines , Sex Analysis provides important theoretical basis , At the same time, it has practical guiding significance for the application of air-delivery concrete technology .