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Educational Development and Exploration

Exploring the Management of High School Classroom Teaching under the Background of the New College Entrance Examination

Yuan Xiao


The comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination is a profound transformation in the field of education in China. In
the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, course selection and class arrangement is the core link of the reform of the
examination and enrollment system. It is a fundamental change in the talent selection methods of universities and an important measure to
implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talent. How to scientifically arrange teaching content to maximize learning benefits for students within a limited time has become a focus of attention for the education department. The article analyzes the problems and
confusions in the implementation process of course selection and classroom teaching, and proposes measures to optimize course selection
and classroom teaching.


New college entrance examination; Selecting courses and taking classes; Teaching management

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ede.v3i1.12884
