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by Yu Lu
doi: 10.18686/me.v4i1.1197
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on the question of how the central government should deal with the paradox between authoritative institutions and effective governance , To present three coping mechanisms with theory , To step Agency , Political indoctrination etiquette and athletic governance mechanism , But in the marine Environment Management Area , On the resolution of the joint law enforcement this is the main means of the theory , Three mechanisms lack sufficient explanatory power . so , articles based on multiple case analysis , from information throttling , set decentralization regulation and governance the validity tuning Three dimensions illustrates the logic of the behavior of Joint law enforcement . article holds the Central Department's joint enforcement through media output message , is a warning to the local ; During law enforcement ,the way to improve governance effectiveness is to integrate local forces into high-risk items ,, at the same time , input of local information becomes the basis for the central Department to dynamically adjust the timing of joint law enforcement and leading departments , and can then Adjusting the set of decentralized balances in the real sense ; in the closing process , The interaction of information between sections of a section makes the dynamic balance of governance effectiveness maintain . through analysis , Articles The coping mechanism of the paradox of governance also includes the central-land common management mechanism , is a supplement to the existing theory .
by Changfeng Qu, Jin'ning Song, Ning Li
doi: 10.18686/me.v5i1.1185
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Jellyfish blooms have damaged this normal composition and function of Marine Ecosystem and ecological environments, which have been One of the new Marine ecological disasters. In This study , we summarized the possible inducements of jellyfish blooms, on influences of jellyfish Blooms on biogenic elements, Dissolved oxygen, Seawater acidity and biological Community were discussed Emphatically. The results showed so Jellyfish blooms had a close Contact with its Physio logical Structure and Life history , which had favorable characteristics including Simple body structure , Rapid * Growth, thriving ReproductionThen short generation Interval to tolerate harsh Environment Better. Jellyfish abundance increased rapidly when it Encountered suitable conditions. The temperature variations of seawater Might be the major inducing factor which could result in Jellyfish blooms. Jellyfish Blooms may benefit from warmer Temperature thatcould increase the food Availability of, Jel lyfish Then Promote jellyfish Reproduction, especially for warm temperate jellyfish species. Eutrophi cation , ClimateChange , overfishing , alien * Invasions and Habitat modification were all Possible im portant contributory factors of Jellyfish blooms. Jellyfish could significantly influence the form Distri bution Then biogeochemical cycling of biogenic Elements . Jellyfish excreted NH4 + and PO4 3- at a rate of 1-91.5 ^mol N • kg-1 • H-1Then 1.1-1.8 ^mol P • kg-1 • h-1 , which could meet A bout 8 % -10% and 21.6% of Phytoplankton primary Production requirement of N and P, respectively . Live jellyfish released dissolved organic carbon (DOC ) at a rate of 1.0 ^ mol C • g "1 • d as jellyfish decomposing, this effluxes of of Total N and Total Pwere 4000 ^ mol N • kg 1 • 1 and, ^ Mol P • kg 1 • d 1, respectively , the efflux of DOC reached ^mol C • G 1 • D _1. Jellyfish decomposition could cause Seawateracidification and lowered level of dissolved Oxy Gen Then finally made the ambient Water become Acidic Then hypoxic . The pH decreased by 1.3, while This Meandissolved Oxygen demand reached . 8 ^ mol • kg 1 • H 1. Jellyfish blooms also in fluenced This Marine organism Community , which might reduce " Biomass of Some fish and Zoo Plankton , Increase , amount to Bacterioplankton, indirectly increase this quantity of of phytoplankton and lead to Abnormal primaryProduction . |
by Qiongzhou Chen
doi: 10.18686/me.v6i1.1188
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Marine disasters often occur in order to avoid and mitigate the increasing risk of environmental pollution in the marine environment , designed an internet-based technology and 3G Real-time marine environment Monitoring System for communication technology . First , designed the ocean Ambient Real-time monitoring system block diagram , dividing system into perceptual layer , application tier and network layer , then monitor zone for None line sensor networks divided by hierarchical routing protocol cluster , cluster head sensor nodes , cluster member sensor nodes and objects Networking Network joint points hardware design , simultaneous cluster sensor node , cluster member sensor node and IoT network The joint points were designed for the software process . The experiment shows that the method can monitor the marine environment information in real time , has a This low , Low power consumption and laying simple benefits . |