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by feng Shen
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The article combs the developed countries in developing their own marine environmental protection Strategy , related policies involved in the strategy ,Guidelines , thoughts , Some of the convergence features of the objectives and how they are implemented , for China to learn from the marine developed countries Customs Strategy and policy development and implementation path selection , Develop in line with China's current development needs and national conditions , and with _

Forward-looking Marine Environmental protection strategies and policies provide references .


by Yulu Cao, Xiaogang Yang, Tuo Zhang
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The Ocean environment noise directivity is a base for Background noise inhibition in signal processing. We do | about for Method To the directivityanalyse in ocean Environment noise field and anisotropic token base on single Vector hydrophone . analysed , Relationship between the background Noise directivityand background Noise inhibition Ability by Vector hydrophone . Do experiment in on Method of the level Directivity analyse Base On data a Ocean envir ­ onmentNoise in North yellow Sea By- Vector hydrophone. There are two results that one is level Anisotropy degree differ ­ ence In Ocean Environment Noise field is prominence in difference Frequency, Other ? The inhomogeneity of This Ocean en ­ vironment noise level directivity is prominence In some Special frequency, Whichis the same as Ship distributing .



by Wei'ia Sui, Guanfeng Tao, Hui Zhao, Minghui Ma, Bin Liang, Yahui Liang, Rong'uan Zhu
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I The Marine Environmental Monitoring program is used for describing the Marine environmental monitoring work and Its literal statement. With the increasing demand of structured work task information for the Marine Environmental monitoring software system, t He implementation the Marine Environmental Monitoring Program task structuration must to account. This paper introduces the principle of the task standardization the Marine Environmental Monitoring program, and DESCR Ibes its implementation procedures. Whats more, it also takes the task standardization of seawater quality in north and sea area as a monitoring. Furthermore, it looks into the development prospects of the task Standardization of the Marine Environmental Monitoring P Rogram.



by Rong Zeng, Yan Xu, Yang Yi, Qiulu Wang, Haiyan Huang, Xiao Li
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according To the characteristics to the Marine Environmental monitoring data,statistical indicators and methods of Marine Environment monitoring Datawere designed , based On the moni­toring indicators, elements then task . The statistics reflected on monitoring data size then covered

The relevant monitoring information. Statistical indicators and statistical methods has Important Significance for improving , quality to Marine Environmentmonitoring data Statistics ,Assessing Marine Environmental monitoring Task , promoting monitoring data then information sharing, Environmental managementDecision making .