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by Yu Tong
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In this article, the background, significance, objective and main content of marine environmental protection men tioned in the Water pollution control Action plan are introduced. Then, requirements for marine environmental pollution control and ecological protection are illustrated on the basis of th e Concept of Sea-land integration.


by Wenhai Lu, Yi Yang
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to adapt to the marine environmental protection of information construction , after data collection for marine eco-environmental monitoring is completed , requires monitoring the uniform and normalized handling of data . The article is an object of the marine Environmental Monitoring DataSet reported everywhere , proposed marine environment Traffic processing technology for monitoring data , Includes data standard processing , completeness check , positioning base Information quality control , Station bit monitoring parameter data quality control and data output 5 Procedures , standardize the operational process of marine environmental monitoring data , increases the processing efficiency and level of monitoring data .



by Zheng Wang, Jian Li, Qi Zang
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I According to the current marine environment Emergency Management system is weakness capability of collection Storage, analysis, early warning information in Big-data and single marine emergency department is weakness of handle Emergency event of marine environment, the collaborative management system with Big-data is built, combine the strong cha Racteristics of the data collection and analysis ability with BIG-DATA can effectively enhance the emergency handling Ciency, can provide effective support to handle emergencies event in marine.



by Lan Lan
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The International seabed is rich in mineral resources , countries begin to focus on the development of the International seabed Area , related marine environment problems with you , earlier than Union National Convention on the law ofthe sea (( The hereinafter referred to as Convention ) contract process , countries inArea Basic Unified opinion on environmental Matters . " Convention " and other countries The relevant domestic legislation of the also has corresponding environmental considerations . China as " Convention " States parties and international seabed Area development pioneer countries , require relevant laws , performs the Member States "zone obligations related to environmental protection laws and regulations , to mitigate or exempt from security obligations as a sponsoring state . in the entire legal system , " area " field "" Marine Environmental protection system should be incorporated into the law of the Sea , should also refer to the system design of the Marine Environmental Protection Law ; The law should also be an incentive for China to participate in Area legislation for development activities , The general precautionary principle is adopted in the legislative principle rather than risk prevention .