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Effect of conventional driving experience on trust in autonomous vehicles (L2 and 3): A review

Emmanuel Abolarin, Bochen Jia


One of the main concerns with SAE Level 3 automated vehicles is trust and the factors that influence it. Previous research has identified several factors, including prior experience with driving and similar technology. However, due to the lack of a verified system for measuring influencing factors, the acceptance of automated vehicles is still yet to be ascertained, despite several findings. This article reviews empirical literature examining the effect of prior experience on trust in automated driving. The result suggests that while manual driving skills may no longer be required in AV driving, they will remain essential in certain critical circumstances. The results further indicate that acceptance and trust in technology are affected by different factors depending on age. Older generations may be influenced by their previous experience with traditional driving skills, whereas younger generations may be influenced by their strong familiarity with similar technologies.


automated vehicles; trust; driving skills

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/mt.v12i1.9293
