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Research on Vocational Education Development

Thoughts on the Ideological and Political Construction of the Course "Basic Materials Science"

Zhihao Wang, Junyan Wu


Nowadays, in the process of continuous economic and social development, my country's awareness of education is also constantly improving. Some colleges and universities continue to strengthen the penetration of relevant knowledge of ideological and political courses when teaching. Relevant teachers, in the process of teaching, not only need to consider students' recognition of ideological and political courses, but also need to strengthen students' excellent learning of their own subject content. The study of ideological and political courses can fully reflect the teaching philosophy of colleges and universities, and can also reflect the importance of teaching to students. For the study of the course "Basics of Materials Science", teachers need to infiltrate the content of ideological and political construction to a certain extent in the classroom to ensure students' enthusiasm for learning ideological and political content, and also allow teachers and students to focus on learning together Ideological and political content for learning.


"Basics of Materials Science"; Curriculum; Ideological and Political Construction; Thinking

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/rved.v2i3.11488
