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Perspectives and Strategies on Employability-a Case Study of Tourism and Events Students in Hainan (China)

Hongxia Liu


There is lack of English literature sources in relation to graduate employability in China although such graduates now compete with western graduates in the international labour market. Furthermore, there is a practical urgency to understand tourism and events students' perspectives and strategies on employability in Hainan. Hence the aim of this paper is to examine perspectives and strategies on employability that the students with tourism and eventsrelated degrees in Hainan (China) have. More specifically, this paper explores the students ' understandings and approaches to managing their employability in order to ascertain their views on factors influencing their employability and also considers how the students perceive the contributions that career preparation activities make to their future employability. A questionnaire survey within two Hainan universities was undertaken in 2015 and 303 valid questionnaires were collected for statistical analysis. The research revealed key findings in relation to understanding of employability, influential factors and the likelihood to adopt different activities.


Employability; Higher education Chinese Students; Tourism and Event Subjects; Hainan

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v4i1.1872
