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Advances in Higher Education is a fully accessible publication that serves as the medium to publish the original educational research article that focusing on teaching, learning and educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions which despite public and private higher education sectors. It aims to serve as a debate forum for a diverse group of scholar who share the characteristic features, as well as problems and issue of each education system, and who can have significant voice in discussion around topics of higher education. The content will focus on the field of educational theory, student management, teaching method, conceptual model of educational process and cases study.

The article categories within the journal include (but are not limited to) the following fields:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Learning Theory and Processes
  • Theory Practice Relationship
  • Teacher Education
  • Curriculum
  • Recruitment
  • Campus Climate
  • Academic Culture
  • Languages
  • Persistence motivation
Universe Scientific Publishing Welcomes Cooperation

  Vol 8, No 5 (2024)


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Table of Contents


by Fei Xu
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Once any government organization is established, the basic goal throughout is survival and development. With the economic development, there are still some problems in the personnel system aspects in China, which is not conducive to the development of the organization. This paper mainly focuses on the basis of government organizations:civil servants, from the civil servants appointment system, Analyze the common problems of the appointment system,such as insufficient recruitment effectiveness, imperfect performance mechanism, insufficient sense of civil servant identity and low exit rate in the employment system in practice. And explore the way to optimize the civil servants appointment system, in order to promote the development of government organizations.


by Ziyue Ma, Haiying Wu
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Based on the 2022 National Population Survey, the population of individuals aged 65 and overreached 209.78 million by the conclusion of 2022, representing 14.9% of the total population. In 2023, the population of those aged 65 and over grew by 9.22 million people, as reported by Wang. This signifi es a substantial and rapidly expanding geriatric population in China. Simultaneously, there is a progressive rise in the prevalence of ailments experienced by older individuals, such as cerebral infarction. Based on epidemiological data, China experiences an annual incidence of stroke ranging from 1.5 to 2 million new cases. Out of these cases, 70% are cerebral infarctions, which have significant morbidity and fatality rates (Shang et al., 2021). The incidence of cerebral infarction is rising due to the ageing of the world population, therefore posing a pressing public health concern.


by Jun Wang
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As an important part of China’s higher education system, the construction of the teaching staff at the Open University plays a vital role in the quality of education and the level of school operation.. Career development theory focuses on the growth and development of individuals in their career, which can promote the development of “double-qualifi ed” teachers in open universities. College teachers and enterprise experts in the open university will experience two different career development paths: from traditional academics to integrated development, and from career transformation to upgrading. From the perspective of career development theory, the “double-qualifi ed” teachers in the Open University are faced with some problems, such as vague career planning, challenges of career adaptability, imperfect incentive mechanism and lack of career development resources. It is necessary to clarify career planning, strengthen academic qualifi cations and professional training, optimize incentive evaluation mechanism and strengthen the supply of career development resources.


by Zhanxiang Qin
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Taking the course “Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission Technology” as an example, this paper combines the methods of problem orientation, project teaching method and teaching evaluation, and researches and explores the “4-modernization” teaching mode of learning problem-based, problem project-based, project results-based and quantifi able results, so as to improve the teaching quality of the course.


by Xue Zhou
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Teaching reflection is significant in that it is a good way to reveal teacher’s teaching mental map. A qualitative analysis on the reflective journals of 19 college English teachers was conducted based on Nvivo 14. By employing open coding, axis coding, and selective coding, the teachers’ journals encompasses three dimensions, in which the teaching reflection emerges as the predominant component, followed by teacher development and student learning as the second and third largest components respectively. The results indicate that teachers’ reflective journals serve as an effective tool for transforming their implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge, thereby enhancing their professional development.


by Fusheng Zhang, Jiangbing Du, Chunli Zhang, Beiju Huang
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Local governments can rely on their own talents and scientific and technological resources, and based on the theory of field integration, temporary posts at the grassroots level should be able to quickly change roles from college teachers to local service personnel, constantly learn from practice, pay attention to investigation and research, and seek truth from facts. Adhere to the “four consciousness”, “four self-confidence” and “two maintenance”, serve the regional talent recommendation, science and technology docking, platform carrier construction, and even serve the local industrial transformation, business environment optimization and other work, and actively off er suggestions to help the regional social and economic development of high quality.


by Yuanbo Jiang
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This paper mainly puts forward the role transformation, technology application, workfl ow optimization and content innovation of TV news editors under the new media environment. By analyzing the application of big data and artificial intelligence technology in news editing, this paper studies the methods of mobile news production and dissemination, and puts forward the cross-platform content distribution strategy and the specific implementation path of personalized content recommendation. The research shows that TV news editors need to further adapt to the new technology and new media environment, improve their professional skills, in order to meet the needs of diverse audiences, and achieve accurate and efficient news communication.


by Jingyi Li
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Briefing for a Descent into Hell is one of Doris Lessing’s lesser-attended science fiction novels, depicting the experiences of the protagonist, Charles, as he suffers a breakdown and is transported to oceans, deserted islands, and space in a dream world. In the novel, Lessing uses the experiences of the Charles to create three false truth for the reader, which fit in with Foucault’s “power-knowledge” theory. Analyzing the texts through Foucault’s “power-knowledge” lens provides insight into the impact of Lessing’s plotting in this work on the conclusion of “Truth is not absolute”, and deepens our understanding of Lessing’s aspirations to dismantle traditional dualistic views of truth.


by Qiya Zhao
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English speaking training is a crucial part of the English learning process as it directly relates to our ability to communicate and use the language comprehensively. Developing speaking skills is a long and complex process that requires teachers to continuously explore, research, and innovate in their training methods. However, due to the influence of traditional educational ideologies, many English teachers currently employ a “spoon-feeding” approach, neglecting the cultivation of listening and speaking abilities.


by Linlin Wang, Rakheebrita Biswas
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This article intends to introduce a trend of integration of Confucianism philosophy and OBE (Outcome Based Education) concept in teaching reform in higher education in China, especially for students’ sustainable development. The case study is carried out on 3 levels, philosophy level, teaching and management organizing level practical, focusing on the underlying Confucianism philosophy in moral education for future teachers, teaching reform with OBE concept, and global competence cultivation for students’ sustainable development.


by Xinyi Chen, Jiachun Wu, Xiaofei Xu, Wenjing Zhang
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Based on questionnaire survey and field visit survey, this paper selects Nanhu University of Jiaxing as the main research object to investigate and study the current situation of promoting rural revitalization with the support of red culture in Jiaxing, further analyzes the existing problems and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. It also discusses how Jiaxing should promote rural revitalization with the support of red culture under the current situation.


by Yang Zhao, Jingyi Sun
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With the rapid development of Internet technology, the field of education has also ushered in unprecedented changes, especially in the teaching of computer majors in colleges and universities. The integration of the Internet not only changes the way of obtaining teaching resources, but also has a profound impact on the teaching mode, teacher-student interaction, curriculum content update and other aspects. The classroom teaching reform of computer major in colleges and universities has become an important part of education reform, and its current situation and challenges are worthy of further discussion. At present, the teaching of computer courses is facing a series of problems such as how to effectively integrate Internet resources, improve teaching interaction, and enhance students’ practical ability. The promotion of teaching reform also needs to consider how to adapt to the rapidly changing technological environment, and how to cultivate students’ innovative thinking and lifelong learning ability. Therefore, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the current situation of the classroom teaching reform of computer major in colleges and universities under the Internet environment, and puts forward practical suggestions, hoping to promote the development of computer education.


by Caihong Zhang
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Xinzhou Ancient City, located in the middle of Shanxi Province, is one of the well-preserved ancient towns in northern China, carrying rich historical and cultural resources. With the continuous development of domestic tourism market, the tourism value of historical and cultural cities has become more and more prominent, and Xinzhou Ancient City has gradually become an important tourist destination. In the process of tourism development, the construction of projected image and the formation of tourists’ perceived image are important factors that affect the attraction of tourist destination. It is found that there are some differences between the projected image of Xinzhou Ancient City and its perceived image in the aspects of historical and cultural transmission, service facility expectation and tourists’ emotional experience. In order to narrow this gap, it is suggested to optimize the overall tourism image of the ancient city and enhance tourists’ satisfaction and brand loyalty by enriching cultural display, improving service quality and enhancing tourists’ interactive experience.


by Congshu Wang
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In 2015 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the year 2030. The short titles of the 17 SDGs are: No poverty, Zero hunger Good health and well-being, Quality education, Gender equality, Clean water and sanitation , Affordable and clean energy , Decent work and economic growth , Industry, innovation and infrastructure , Reduced inequalities , Sustainable cities and communities , Responsible consumption and production , Climate action , Life below water, Life on , Peace, justice, and strong institutions , and Partnerships for the goals. Current trends in environmental education seek to move away from ideological and activist approaches and take action to achieve the goals of sustainable development.


by Bingfeng Zhang
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In the rapid development of information technology and the popularization of the Internet today, the network economy has become the mainstream of global economic development. The network economy, as a new economic form with its unique advantages, has brought unprecedented opportunities for the small and medium enterprises in our country. This paper aims to discuss the necessity of the economic management innovation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the network economy, and its implementation strategy, hoping to play a certain reference role for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country.


by Changqing Li
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In the current international landscape, China needs to showcase a true and multi-dimensional national image to the world. Higher foreign language education must shoulder the mission of “telling China’s story well”. The “Three Enterings” initiative is an important measure to adapt to the communication needs of the new era. This paper uses the Japanese major’s core course “Translation Theory and Practice” at Qilu University of Technology as an example to illustrate the specific paths of curriculum reform and practice from the perspective of “Three Enterings”.


by Chengshuai Long, Xiaohong Zhang, Qiuli Zhou, Linjia Yang, Yuxin Cai
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Integrity stands as a crucial element of moral education. This paper examines the role of university integrity education communities in fostering incorruptible culture. Sichuan Normal University has created an integrity education model featuring connectivity, integration, collaboration, and multi-setting fusion. The paper discusses cultural structure, internal mechanisms, and impactful experiences of integrity education.


by Dan Li
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This paper analyzes the current status of badminton curriculum reform in ordinary colleges and universities in my country, evaluates it, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. First, the background and existing problems of badminton curriculum reform in ordinary colleges and universities in my country are explained, the research objectives and significance of this paper are proposed, and the reform of badminton curriculum in colleges and universities under the conditions of the information age is elaborated in detail. By evaluating the effectiveness of teaching reform, it is proved that promoting teacherstudent interaction, improving teaching efficiency and effectiveness, and improving students’ comprehensive quality. Secondly, the problems existing in the current reform and innovation of badminton teaching in colleges and universities are analyzed, and measures to solve these problems are proposed. Finally, the enlightenment of this study is summarized, and the development of badminton teaching reform in ordinary colleges and universities in my country in the future is prospected, which provides certain theoretical support and practical reference for the reform and development of badminton teaching in ordinary colleges and universities in my country.


by David Wu, Annie Cui, Manjia Zhao
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Marine pollution, particularly the prevalence of microplastics, poses a significant threat to public health. This systematic review examines the health risks associated with microplastics in coastal waters, focusing on their distribution, sources, and impact on human health. By synthesizing data from peer-reviewed studies, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of microplastic contamination in marine environments and its implications for human health.


by Guaiqiang Chai, Yanli Liu, Wenjia Feng, Qinqin Qiang
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With the rapid development of information technology,it has become a general trend to apply it to education and teaching reform.Taking genetics and breeding courses as an example,this paper discusses the concrete reform measures for e-teaching,and analyzes the actual effect in the reform through effect evaluation.It is found that the e-teaching reform has obtained evident effect in improving students’interest in learning,promoting their comprehensive application ability for knowledge and cultivating their innovation ability and other aspects.However,there are some problems at the same time.For example,students overly rely on electronic devices,and teachers have insufficient e-teaching ability.Therefore,in the process of promoting e-teaching reform of genetics and breeding courses,it is necessary to further strengthen teaching management and improve the e-teaching level of teachers so as to give full play to the advantages of e-teaching.


by Juan Liu
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Artificial intelligence brings technical assistance for teaching devices and abundant information resources to the transformation and innovation of college English teaching mode.Therefore,in the context of artificial intelligence,college English teachers need to actively explore effective construction strategies for Ecological Education to improve the classroom teaching quality of college English,specifically create a favorable ecological learning environment of English for college students,help them effectively integrate information resources in a targeted way,assist them in widening their cognitive field of vision towards English knowledge and improve their comprehensive English quality.Therefore,this paper deeply thinks,discusses,and explores the ecological education of college English in the context of artificial intelligence in order to improve the classroom teaching efficiency of college English.


by Fenfen Song
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As an important part of traditional culture, festival customs contain rich social and cultural connotations. Based on the Miscellaneous Records of the Western Capital - Lady Qi’s Maiden Speaks of Things in the Palace, this paper delves into the major festival customs participated by women in the palace during the Western Han Dynasty, aiming to reveal the religious beliefs, women’s living conditions and social and cultural psychology behind them. These materials not only provide valuable information for historical research, but also show the unique style of court culture at that time.


by Guanying Wang
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Strengthening aesthetic education in universities is essential for fulfilling the fundamental mission of fostering virtue and promoting comprehensive student development. Universities should adhere to the characteristics and principles of aesthetic education, strengthen top-level design, deepen teaching reforms, enrich content supply, expand the aesthetic education workforce, and optimize evaluation systems. These measures are crucial for continuously nurturing new generations who are poised to undertake the significant tasks of national rejuvenation.


by Jieli Lin, Jiesen Li, Jie Sheng, Rongfu Zhou
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This paper explored the application of constructivism and proactive consciousness in physical chemistry experimental teaching. The one-way teaching model was not used but the student-centered teaching model was adopted. The implementation process and effect of teaching mode reform were demonstrated through the specific teaching practice cases. The new teaching model of learning has promoted the improvement of students’ self-learning ability, and cultivated their innovative consciousness and problem-solving ability.


by Yanhai Li
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With the deepening of the reform process of colleges and universities, in order to train students’ engineering practice ability, this paper discusses the reform of operation research experiment teaching in local colleges and universities based on the background of “new engineering”. This paper analyzes the current situation of operational research experiment teaching in local colleges and universities, points out that the current situation of operational research experiment teaching in local colleges and universities is still heavy on theory and light on practice, lack of innovation in experimental teaching, and single evaluation form of practical teaching. The aim is to help the successful reform of operational research experimental teaching in local colleges and universities, improve teaching quality, fully stimulate students’ interest in learning, and cultivate students’ ability to solve and analyze problems.


by Quan Wen, Cha tana, Yunga Wu
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At the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, China formally put forward a global security initiative. This is an important concept and proposition of milestone significance, marking that China has a deeper understanding of the national security situation and laws of development in the new era. This important proposal clearly answers the era question of “what security concepts the world needs and how countries achieve common security”, and provides China’s strategy for solving international security issues.


by Jie Liu
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Career planning refers to the continuous planning of people’s career and even their whole life. specifically for college students, it is to explore their career goals from their personal characteristics, ability, environment and other multiple factors. This paper aims to explore the difficulties college students face in the process of career planning under the background of the new era, and put forward corresponding thoughts and suggestions. This paper analyzes the current situation of college students’ career planning and reveals the existing problems, such as lack of career planning awareness, limited access to career information, and insufficient career planning ability. On this basis, this paper puts forward countermeasures such as strengthening career planning education, expanding career information access channels and improving career planning ability, so as to help college students better carry out career planning.


by Lili Liu
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This paper deeply discusses the internal logic, value implication and practical path of enabling normal education in colleges and universities with the spirit of educator. The rich connotation of the spirit of educators and its irreplaceable role in normal education enable the core logic of normal education, that is, through inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of educators, comprehensively improve the professional quality and level of normal students' ethics, and inject new vitality into normal education. This paper also discusses the multiple value implication of educationist spirit, including promoting the comprehensive development of normal university students and the reform and innovation of normal education, and puts forward practical practical paths, in order to provide useful reference and reference for the sustainable and healthy development of normal education.


by Li Zhang, Lu Wang
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The implementation of“Three All-Round Education”in colleges and universities is an important measure to promote the high-level development of colleges and universities and is the fundamental requirement for the implementation of the“all staff ,all process and all-round”in colleges and universities.At present,Chinese colleges and universities still face many difficulties in doing the work of“Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses”,which restricts the further development of higher education.This paper takes“Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses”as a breakthrough to comprehensively promote the construction of“Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses”in colleges and universities,explore the teaching optimization tactics of“Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses”of Tax Accounting from the perspective of“Three All-Round Education”,and promote the comprehensive development of“Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses”in colleges and universities.


by Pengcheng Qiu
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As an advanced educational idea,Outcome-Based Education(OBE)has been widely used in the world.English education is facing new challenges and opportunities in colleges and universities in China.In the current educational reform,it has become an important issue to construct college English course groups and innovate the teaching mode based on OBE idea.Based on the analysis of OBE idea,this paper discusses the construction strategies of college English course groups and the innovation in teaching mode based on OBE idea,and aims to provide theoretical support for English education reform in colleges and universities in China.


by Xiaoni Zhang
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With the extensive use of new technologies such as Internet+,AI,big data,cloud computing,and blockchain,has arrived the new era induced by new industries,new forms of business,and new business models.In the economic time of mathematical intellectualization,the business models are changing rapidly,and the training of professional talents in colleges and universities needs to keep up with the pace of The Times faster.There are still some outstanding problems in the training of new business talents in applied undergraduate colleges and universities.Therefore,applied undergraduate colleges and universities with the training of applied talents as the main body should adapt to the talent training direction of new business of mathematical intellectualization required by the development of new business.Based on the analysis of the current situation of the mathematical intellectualization experimental teaching of new business,this paper proposes and constructs an experimental teaching system of in order to provide benefi cial reference for the training of new business talents in China.


by Minfang Yuan, Peng Chang, Yingjun Wang
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In today’s society, the promotion of teenagers’ physical health and sports literacy has become the focus of national attention. As a traditional sports event of the Chinese nation, Wushu not only has the function of strengthening the body, but also contains profound cultural heritage and unique sports spirit. With the increasing attention of the state to the physical health and sports literacy of young people, the status of martial arts as a traditional sports item in college education has gradually improved. In college teaching, the fundamental teaching task of cultivating morality and cultivating people should be actively implemented. It is not only necessary to pay attention to the improvement of students’ professional knowledge and ability, but also to promote the development of students’ physical quality through physical education. From the perspective of sports core literacy, this paper analyzes the reform measures of martial arts teaching in colleges and universities, and builds a good martial arts learning environment for students by strengthening the emphasis on martial arts teaching, implementing the goal of talent training, and constructing martial arts teaching courses centered on core literacy.


by Mingzhe Xu
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Vocal singing, as a highly artistic form of expression, its essence lies not only in the skill and beauty of sound, but also in the emotional transmission and resonance. Emotion, as the core part of human psychological activities, is an indispensable element in vocal singing. It is not only a bridge connecting singers and listeners, but also the key to endow songs with vitality. Emotion can endow voices with vitality and make singing more vivid and powerful, so singers can accurately convey emotional changes in songs by using different emotions. Make the audience resonate, make the singing more vivid and touching. Based on this, based on vocal singing, this paper analyzes the mechanism of emotion in vocal singing, expounds how emotion improves the artistic expression and appeal of singing, and puts forward the application methods of emotion in vocal singing, aiming to provide reference for future research by relevant personnel.


by Qiang Zhao
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There are great differences between Chinese and American mother tongue curriculum standards. A comparative analysis of Chinese and American standards is helpful to discover new perspectives and explore new teaching paths. This paper deeply analyzes the similarities and differences between Chinese and American mother tongue curriculum standards in basic concepts, curriculum structure, reading teaching objectives and strategies, and aims to provide a new perspective for Chinese reading teaching reform in senior high schools. By contrast, this paper reveals the unique value of the American mother tongue curriculum standard which emphasizes students’ all-round development, practical application ability and personalized teaching, and takes this as a mirror to examine the current situation and challenge of Chinese high school reading teaching. Based on this, this paper innovatively puts forward some reform strategies, such as strengthening multi-text reading, deepening reading literacy training, and building a diversifi ed evaluation system, in order to inject new vitality into Chinese reading teaching in senior high school and promote the comprehensive quality of students.


by Qinghong Wang, Qiuyan Li
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Inorganic Chemistry is a basic course for chemistry-related majors, which is of great significance for cultivating students’ professional quality and scientific thinking. This paper takes REDOX reaction as an example to elaborate how to carry on ideological and political construction in the teaching of Inorganic Chemistry.


by Yan Yang
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In the process of the continuous development of social economy, ecological environmental protection is a very key content of work, green mountains is gold and silver mountains, whether environmental protection has been effective will affect the effective development of economy. In this context, it is necessary to strengthen environmental protection rectifi cation and further enhance the public’s awareness of environmental protection, which involves the education and dissemination of environmental protection. By integrating ecolinguistics into environmental protection education and communication, it can realize the interdisciplinary work of education and communication, and give play to the positive role of linguistics. In particular, at the present stage, ecological environmental protection is no longer the exclusive task of specific disciplines, and language researchers also need to participate in environmental protection and communication work, which virtually proves the effectiveness and importance of ecological linguistics. Based on this, based on the connection between environmental protection and ecolinguistics, this paper explores the application of ecolinguistics in the education and communication of environmental protection, aiming to provide reference for the future research of relevant personnel.


by Lingyun Xu
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The study aims at the Integrating Traditional Chinese Culture into Junior High School English Teaching. According to the four-dimensional objective of English subject, namely language ability, learning ability, cultural awareness and thinking quality, it is very important to pay attention to the cultivation of students’ cultural awareness. For junior high school English learning, students are required to have the ability of observation and abstract thinking. Therefore, integrating traditional Chinese culture into junior high school English teaching can help students learn more about excellent traditional Chinese culture in the process of learning knowledge. At the same time, cultural integration can further enrich teachers’ teaching content, help students understand cultural differences, further build cultural self-confidence, cultivate cross-cultural communication awareness, and enhance cross-cultural communication ability.


by Qian Wang
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The popularity of the Internet and smart phones promotes the emergence of the phenomenon of college students’ network social circle, which will affect their values, cognitive mode, thinking mode and behavior mode. On the basis of studying the characteristics of college students’ network social stratification, this paper analyzes the impact of college students’ network social stratification on their growth and development, and explores effective guidance strategies from three aspects: the construction of a new learning platform, the utilization of superior social resources, and the establishment of a comprehensive supervision system.


by Xin Wang
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In addressing issues and problems that arise in government and social governance,Beijing has taken the lead in reforming the mechanism for immediate response to complaints,and many industries and fields have also adopted the mechanism to improve their workfl ow.The mechanism of immediate response to complaints is a reform and innovation of grassroots governance,which enhance the capability to serve the public by responding to and handling complaints in a timely manner.This paper analyses the basic operation process of receiving and handling and the advantages it plays in practice,and proposes that receiving and handling plays a significant role in the innovation of public service provision from the perspective of public service.The mechanism of receiving and handling plays an important role in the innovation of public service provision.It coordinates all supplying parties and allocates public service resources in a timely and effective manner;improves the efficiency of supply by opening up the information channel;and responds proactively to the situation,transforming passive handling into proactive governance.


by Yanli Ge
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This study takes public signs in the Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime as the research object.From the perspective of cross-cultural communication,this study explores the expression and dissemination of traditional Chinese cultural elements involved in the translation process.Through the comparative analysis of the original text and the target text,this paper explores the strategies and effects of accurately transmitting the connotation of traditional Chinese culture under different cultural backgrounds. It is found that cultural differences in translation are not only a linguistic problem,but also involve complex factors such as cultural cognition and historical memory.This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding and strategy for cross-cultural translation.


by Zuqiao Wei
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With the continuous advancement of modernization of higher education,as an important place of language teaching,the management and maintenance level of sound-labs directly affects teaching quality and efficiency.This paper aims to analyze the main problems existing in the management and maintenance of sound-labs in colleges and universities,and puts forward corresponding solutions in order to provide reference for improving the utilization benefit and management level of sound-labs.


by Qiuming Tang
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Under the background of the new media era, the learning and life style of college students have changed, and the educational management of college students is also facing certain challenges. In this paper, from the three aspects of the importance, current situation and existing problems of student education management, we will explore the upgrading path of the contemporary education concept of student education management, so as to improve the effectiveness and scientificity of student management.


by Shasha Chen
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In order to train students to master the basic theoretical knowledge at the same time, students should also cultivate their practical ability, and the needs of enterprises can not be disconnected from the enterprise. This paper takes the case of car live broadcasting in live courses as an example to transform the original abstract and boring class into an interesting interactive class of learning practice. Students learn in the classroom car live activities, vigorously develop their thinking, and fully exercise their language expression ability. The whole teaching process is very rich, and the teaching content is really keeping pace with The Times. Moreover, the interactive link in the live broadcast room is designed, and the students’ active participation in the whole course is extremely high, which effectively improves the teaching quality.


by Ting Lian
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The advantages of digital art are more significant, which can provide more possibilities for display space design. In the new era, people’s demand for exhibition space is more diversifi ed, and designers need to strengthen the connection between digital art and exhibition space design, so as to provide better services for visitors. However, there are still some problems in the practical design, and designers need to develop reliable measures to optimize and improve the design effect of display space.


by Chuqi Wang
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The setting of Ratcatcher is set in the 1970s during a general strike by rubbish workers in the Glasgow area, where the streets were littered with rubbish, houses were in disrepair and rivers were muddy. Ratcatcher exposes the grim characteristics of society. It focuses on the lives of poor communities and the impact of poverty on families, and shows the depression and powerlessness of working-class life. Ramsey drives in favour of a more symbolic, suggestive, obscure narrative (Wang, 2020, p6) . Thus, the Ratcatcher can be seen as a fi lm of poetic realism and viewers can feel hope and redemption in scenes of despair.


by Weixing Zhang, Futing Ge, Hui Song
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In the digital age, it is extremely necessary to innovate the content, ways and methods of labor education in colleges and universities, and enhance the epokality of labor education. This paper first expounds the necessity of digital reconstruction of college labor education system, explains the difficulties faced by college labor education in the digital age, and puts forward the path of talent training for college labor education in the digital age.


by Xin Zhao
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The digital transformation of ideological and political education is an inevitable trend of digital technology deeply embedded in ideological and political education, which is of great significance for promoting the reform, innovation and highquality development of ideological and political education in the digital era. In order to promote the successful transformation of the digitization of ideological and political education, it is necessary to cultivate the ideological concept of the digitization of ideological and political education, create a team of talents for the digitization of ideological and political education, improve the platform and carrier of the digitization of ideological and political education, and perfect the institutional mechanism of the digitization of ideological and political education.


by Xin Ma
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With the acceleration of the process of globalization and the increasing frequency of international communication, the importance of English as an international language has become increasingly prominent. As an important base for training high-quality talents, the quality of English teaching in universities is directly related to the competitiveness of students in the international arena in the future. As a task-centered teaching model that emphasizes “learning by doing”, task-based teaching has been widely concerned and applied in college English teaching in recent years. The purpose of this paper is to explore the strategies of task-based group teaching in college English, in order to provide reference for improving the quality of college English teaching.


by Xinxin Zhang
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This paper discusses the application practice of knowledge graph in higher vocational English teaching, and analyzes the important role of knowledge graph as an emerging technical tool in improving teaching quality, optimizing resource allocation and promoting personalized learning. By constructing the knowledge map of English teaching content in higher vocational education, the systematic integration and correlation of knowledge points are realized, providing teachers and students with rich and intuitive learning resources and teaching tools. Practice shows that the application of knowledge graph has significantly improved the efficiency and quality of higher vocational English teaching, and promoted the improvement of students’ independent learning ability and language use ability.


by Weihua Liu, Min Zhong, Su Peng, Jue Wang
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This paper discusses the application of digitalization in college career planning courses and its influence on the teaching mode, and explores the construction of the new teaching mode. The construction of the new teaching mode is student-centered, emphasizing personalized learning, practical ability cultivation and comprehensive evaluation, and using digital tools such as online platform, VR and AR technology to improve the teaching effect and student experience. The advantages of the new teaching mode lie in meeting students ‘personalized needs, improving students’ interest and initiative in learning, and cultivating students’ practical ability and comprehensive quality.


by Xinying Huang
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V(Kim Taehyung), a member of BTS,has inspired remarkable fan dedication in China. In 2021, his Chinese fan community raised 5.42 million RMB within the first hour of fundraising for his 26th birthday. Earlier, on December 30,2020,these fans paid for a birthday ad on Dubai’s Burj Khalifa. What’s shocking is that all of this happened during the COVID-19. It seems that the epidemic has not affected fan behavior, but is this really the case? This article examines the intense interest and strength of Chinese Kpop fans, focusing on BTS Chinese fan community as a case study. It also explores how COVID-19 has impacted the community, particularly in terms of fan identity and group activity patterns, by discussing fan community constructs like identity and behavior.


by Yan Zhang
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Foreign language, as an important language system to broaden international vision and strengthen international communication, is a key way to cultivate students’ comprehensive quality, broaden international perspective and enhance crosscultural communication ability. This paper aims to explore the innovative construction path of “bicultural schema” theory in college foreign language teaching under the background of new liberal arts, analyze the theoretical basis of bicultural schema, and put forward concrete teaching implementation path. Through the construction of bicultural schema, students can not only master language skills, but also deeply understand the connotation and differences of different cultures, and enhance cultural sensitivity and adaptability.


by Xingxing Wu, Yan Wu, Huiqin Zhu, Li Zhang, Jingmei Zhang
Forest fire prevention is a major natural disaster that endangers forest resources and ecological security. The development of international training materials will help strengthen international cooperation to jointly cope with the challenges of forest fires. It is one of the measures for Yunnan Forestry Technological College to carry out high-quality international education under the “Double High Plan” (the plan for the construction of high-level vocational schools and majors with Chinese characteristics). This paper discusses the significance of developing international forest fire prevention training materials under the background of internationalization of vocational education, analyzes the main background of textbook development, and puts forward development paths such as drawing on international advanced education concepts, combining China’s reality and international standards, and integrating into practical teaching links, in order to provide references for the high-quality international development of forest fire prevention.


by Yaran Lu
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Centering on the theme of “Application of ideological and political elements in Graphic Creativity course”, this paper deeply discusses how to effectively integrate ideological and political education content into graphic creativity course of art and design major, aiming to cultivate students’ innovative spirit, creative thinking ability and cultural self-confidence through art and design education platform, and strengthen their social responsibility and identification of socialist core values.


by Yina Chen
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With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, AI painting has been widely used in various fields. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of AI painting, this paper discusses the application path of AI painting in game original painting design from the aspects of expanding creative ideas, improving efficiency and enhancing visual presentation. The research shows that AI painting can be a useful supplement to the original painting creation of games, and when combined with the traditional original painting creation method, it can inspire more inspiration and tap greater potential. Game enterprises should strengthen the training of AI painting talents, build AI painting creation platforms, improve intellectual property protection mechanisms, and promote the innovative application of AI painting in game original painting design.


by Ying Zhang
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In the new era, profound changes are occurring in various fields of society, driving continuous updates in educational concepts and facilitating the renewal of the connotation of home-school co-education. However, issues such as parental participation, educational demands, parental trust, teacher credibility, and home-school interaction in the information age are emerging in homeschool communication. This paper analyzes the problems and dilemmas of home-school communication from the perspectives of schools and parents, proposing paths to address these dilemmas through home-school activities, communication strategies, and communication platforms, aiming to establish a positive home-school communication mechanism.


by Liu Yang
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As economic reforms gradually progressed with the global integration and waves of decentralisation,a market approach to education in China began to develop through neo-liberal practices in the field of English as a foreign language(EFL)learning. The challenge of the marketisation of China’s early EFL education has emerged and the issue of equity in EFL education arising from the market-based charging for education resources.


by Min Niu
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Ensuring the highest standards of teaching quality in college English majors is of utmost importance, as it plays a vital role in nurturing well-rounded and globally-minded individuals. The O-AMAS teaching model is centered around students and emphasizes the formulation of learning objectives from multiple dimensions, the strategic design of learning plans, the integration of various learning methods, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation system, and the optimization of reflection and summary. It offers a systematic solution for designing English major courses. This paper examines the current implementation of the O-AMAS model in English courses. It also presents a teaching design strategy for English courses that is grounded in the O-AMAS model, considering five different dimensions.


by Fuyun Wang, Kexin Mu, Yinman Geng
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Sunmao joint, also known as Chinese joinery or mortise and tenon joint, is an ancient Chinese technique. The joints between the various components are joined and connected by mortise and tenon, and fit together to form a flexible frame. Craftsmen who master this technique only use subtle wood cutting to achieve the connection, and they have a very high level on its precision control. In the modern era, however, advanced technology and industrialized production have largely supplanted traditional handwork. Consequently, this thesis aims to explore the integration of virtual reality (VR) and various gaming modalities to enable users to experience and appreciate the significance of Sunmao Joints, as well as the spirit of Chinese craftsmanship. This approach seeks to promote the inheritance of cultural heritage and achieve educational goals in furniture structural design.


by Hui Miao
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Teacher development centres in colleges and universities play a positive role in cultivating teacher talent teams and improving teaching quality. At present, there are both external institutional barriers and internal structural drawbacks in university teacher development centres, and there exists such developmental status quo as unclear positioning, unknown responsibilities, lack of resources, and few full-time personnel. It is of great practical significance to explore its development path from the aspects of institutional mechanism reform, common and shared alliance resource base, and creating a good cycle of independent development.


by Liyuan Sun
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This study utilizes Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory to compare conflict discourse in the Chinese TV series A Little Dilemma and the American sitcom Modern Family. It analyzes how cultural values influence communication styles and conflict resolution strategies, revealing the impact of cultural norms on family dynamics and dispute management.


by Congshu Wang
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Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful participation of all people, regardless of income, race, color, or national origin, in agency decision-making and other federal activities that affect human health and the environment, so that people are adequately protected from disproportionate adverse impacts and harms to human health and the environment, have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment, and engage in cultural and Livelihood activities.Environmental justice education programs help youth understand the issues in their communities, help youth research environmental justice in history, discover themes of injustice; learn more about innovative solutions to environmental problems, and develop an action plan for their community.


by Qinghong Wang, Zhifang Liu
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Integrating cutting-edge scientific research results into classroom teaching is of great significance for promoting the teaching reform of Inorganic Chemistry, improving teaching quality and cultivating innovative talents. The purpose of this paper is to explore how to integrate the latest scientific research results into the teaching of Inorganic Chemistry organically, while promoting students’ ability to explore and innovate.


by Yufei Wang
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Wang Guowei’s Opera History of Song and Yuan dynasties focuses on Song and Yuan dynasties, citing various opera materials of the past dynasties, studies the formation, evolution and development process of Chinese classical opera, and makes a specific analysis of the artistic characteristics and aesthetic value of opera language. From the perspective of the development of literature, artistic characteristics and social and cultural background, it can be inferred that Song Ci had a profound impact on Song and Yuan opera. This influence is not only refl ected in the rich content of themes, the reference of artistic techniques and the inheritance of musical rhythm, but also in the rich cultural deposits and artistic accumulation for the development of Song and Yuan operas.


by Yingjun Hu, Tianhui Zhang
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This article reports on an investigation conducted among non-English-major EFL students of Chinese private colleges. Participants were selected from four private colleges in Jiangsu Province. The results of questionnaire revealed the level of FLB in each dimension, and the Pearson correlation analyses showed the significant correlations between academic achievement and FL class boredom and teacher-related boredom. The findings prove the importance of teaching materials and teacher-students relationships.


by Yuhong He
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This paper discusses the optimization strategy of talent training mode in higher vocational education under the direction of new quality productivity. This paper focuses on the adjustment of talent training objectives, the optimization of curriculum system, the innovation of teaching methods and the construction of teaching staff . The quality and adaptability of higher vocational education should be improved by adjusting training objectives, updating course contents, innovating teaching methods and enhancing teachers.


by Chang Shi
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With the rapid change of society and the full swing of education reform, the innovation of students’ education management mode in higher vocational colleges is imminent. In the past, the rigid and unchanging mode of education management has obviously been unable to meet the diversifi ed and personalized needs of modern higher vocational education. In the face of this challenge, higher vocational colleges must actively adapt to the development of The Times, in line with the characteristics of students to explore a new management model, in order to improve the quality of education and management efficiency. The innovation of students’ educational management mode in higher vocational colleges must first clarify the core objectives of educational management. This is not only to impart knowledge, but also to cultivate students’ all-round development, including vocational skills, teamwork, innovative thinking and other abilities. Therefore, the innovative management model should be student-centered, focusing on personalized and differentiated education, so that every student can thrive in an educational environment suitable for their own. This paper aims to explore the innovation of student education management mode in higher vocational colleges, so as to improve education quality and management efficiency.


by Caimei Chen
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Colleges and universities are the forefront position of ideological work and the wrestling field of various ideological dissemination. It is of great significance to do the ideological work well in colleges and universities. New era of ideological work in colleges and universities facing the new situation and new challenges, promote the innovation and development of ideological work in colleges and universities, must establish the collaborative innovation idea, collaborative innovation team, build collaborative innovation mechanism, build collaborative innovation platform, the synergy, effectively improve the ideological work effect in colleges and universities, so as to promote and realize the long-term healthy development of colleges and universities.


by Yang Yang, Jiahua Liu, Yang Xiao, Xinyu Bai, Weijian Li, Anyi Wu
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This study analyzes the data generated by programmers and conducts behavioral modeling, which helps teachers understand their programming abilities, learning styles, knowledge mastery and other programming learning characteristics, and helps teachers build a learning portrait of programmers to support their personalized programming learning. Personalized intelligent tutoring system promotes implementation of teaching decisions, supports efficient education management, and has high application value in “human-machine collaboration” education.


by Bin Liu
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The main research content of this project is how to integrate Chinese cultural elements into the teaching content and practical activities of college English by using the teaching design of “the First class + the Second class”. The expression of Chinese cultural elements will be organically linked together through college English teaching design of “the First Classroom+the Second Classroom” to form a “teaching-doing-thinking” ecological chain.


by Qingwei Meng, Jianpeng Zhan
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Under the background that the country vigorously promotes the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, promoting the integration of digital technology into wedding dress design is a new trend in the future development of the clothing industry. The paper discusses the penetration significance, application path, realistic dilemma and future trend of digital technology in college wedding dress design education, and puts forward the improvement of teaching facilities, improve the level of teachers, optimize the curriculum and cultivate innovative thinking, enrich teaching methods, carry out individualized teaching and strengthen practical teaching, and strengthen the feasibility of linking with the market, in order to provide theoretical reference for improving the quality of college wedding dress design teaching, promoting the intelligent digital reform of the clothing industry, and improving the soft power of national culture.


by Ziyang Zhang
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This paper introduces a new fruit mechanical damage device, which is based on machine vision technology, using RISC-V processor architecture, in order to be able to monitor and identify in real time the damage that fruits may suffer during harvesting, transportation and handling, and automatically trigger rejection measures to reduce the rate of defective products. The device consists of an image acquisition module, an image processing module, an algorithm module, and a control module. The image acquisition module is responsible for collecting images of fruits; the image processing module processes the images according to the preset algorithm and extracts the differential features between fruits and background; the algorithm module classifies and judges according to these features to determine whether the fruits have suffered damage; the control module then automatically triggers corresponding rejection measures, such as stopping transportation, sieving, etc., according to the algorithm results.


by Yuan Liu
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In the current digital wave sweeping the world, new media, with its unique communication power and extensive influence, has set up a new stage for cultural exchange. Xi’an, an ancient city with profound cultural heritage, has become a bright color in the international vision with its colorful folk culture. This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the new opportunities brought by the new media environment for the international dissemination of Xi’an folk culture, and focuses on how to pass the unique charm of Xi’an across the boundaries of language and culture to the global audience through accurate and creative English publicity translation strategies. Through the combination of case analysis and theoretical discussion, this paper not only refines the translation methodology adapted to the characteristics of new media, but also constructs a cultural communication path based on interaction and feedback, aiming to contribute new ideas to the display of global cultural diversity and the improvement of Xi’an’s cultural soft power, and provide a blueprint for similar cultural publicity practices.


by Chengli Yang
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The purpose of art design is to provide more aesthetic products for life, so that people can get a better quality of life, undoubtedly design aesthetic is an essential topic. Aesthetic education is an inevitable path for the cultivation of art and design professionals. Only by doing a good job in this area can students’ aesthetic quality be improved better. Aesthetic education course is a direct and effective means to implement aesthetic education in schools, and it is also the key to the acquisition of students’ aesthetic ability. However, there are many problems in the teaching status of aesthetic education course for art and design majors.


by Jian Wang
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In the context of globalization, cross-cultural communication has become an important form of communication and cooperation between countries. As a bridge of cross-cultural communication, the quality of external publicity translation directly affects the accuracy of information transmission and the effect of cultural communication. Cross-cultural pragmatics research points out that there are significant differences in language use and communication habits in different cultural backgrounds, especially in publicity translation. Therefore, how to effectively apply cross-cultural pragmatics and adjust translation strategies in the process of translation has become a key issue in the practice of external publicity translation. The purpose of this study is to explore the strategies to be adopted in the translation of external publicity from the perspective of cross-cultural pragmatics. By analyzing the specific application of cultural adaptation, contextual sensitivity, communicative intention and politeness strategies, this paper reveals the effect of these strategies in practical translation.


by Chu-yuan Xu
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Language is composed of three elements:phonetics,vocabulary and grammar.Phonetics study is the primary and fundamental step in the attempt to master the target language as vocabulary and grammar are expressed through the medium of pronunciation.So,pronunciation is the basis of learning a language well and improving language skills for which any language learning will be inseparable from the learning of pronunciation.However,pronunciation can influence these two aspects.Researchers usually identify these features as segmental or suprasegmental.A long-standing debate in pronunciation teaching is whether segmental or suprasegmental is more important in facilitating intelligibility and comprehensibility.On the one side of the dispute,many authors argue that the priority should be given to suprasegmental features in pronunciation teaching because they are more useful than segmental features in understandable speeches.On the other side,some scholars believe that segmental features are more functional for promoting intelligibility,so they should be taught first in pronunciation teaching.However,based on the existing researches- ,although we have not attained an assertive conclusion of which one is more important in teaching,we can now regard segmental and suprasegmental features as an integrated system rather than separated entities(Zielinski,2015).Accordingly,it has an influence on the future decision-making as a teacher of English pronunciation which is the lesson design will include both segmental and suprasegmental parts in different but pertinent teaching order corresponding with the various teaching objectives or the learning preference of students.


by Congrui Li
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With the deepening of education reform, the cultivation and implementation of core literacy have received more attention. This paper aims to summarize the optimization strategy of physics teaching design in junior middle school on the basis of the establishment and development of scientific thinking. Taking the people’s education edition of “Quality” as an example, the path of scientific thinking is established through design and practice analysis, so as to improve the development of students’ various abilities and the generation of core qualities.


by Hongyu Yan, Zichu Wang
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As an online digital space that is essentially parallel to the real world, the Metaverse is becoming a practice ground for the innovation and development of human society. Vocational education is the most market-oriented and open field in all education sectors, and it is in the best policy and market space period at this stage. Metaverse will accelerate the integration of digital technology and vocational education, and promote the restructuring of vocational education organization system, including the training objectives, education resources, education paradigms, education evaluation and certification, and promote vocational education from supply driven to demand driven, enabling high-quality and sustainable development of vocational education.


by Xiaohan He, Shichang Sha, Ping Li, Chaoyang Hu, Zhiqin Chen, Yuheng Zhu, Zili Meng, Zihao Wang
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Exploitative marketing targeting children has long been a subject of societal controversy because of its potential negative impacts on young consumers’ cognition, behavior, and psychological development, thus attracting widespread attention. This review explores the current state, causes, and possible solutions to exploitative marketing practices aimed at children.


by Yupei He, Suyue He
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With the continuous change of consumer demand and the rise of personalized trend, the hotel industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This paper explores the importance of hotel product design and innovation based on consumer behavior, including how to meet this challenge by improving user satisfaction and loyalty and enhancing the competitiveness of the hotel brand. This paper proposes two main design methods: applying the principles of consumer psychology and using data analysis to predict consumer demand, and explores two innovative paths: introducing intelligent services and developing green and sustainable products to provide strategic guidance and inspiration for the hotel industry.


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Journal's announcement:

To further expand the readership and accelerate the development of this journal, the publisher’s committees decided to jointly organize a Chinese version

Posted: 2018-12-29 More...

News: WATCH: DA students protest about class disturbances at TUT

DA member of parliament Bronwyn Engelbrecht led a student protest by DA Student Organisation (Daso) to the Department of Higher Education and Training. 

The students sought to convince Minister Naledi Pandor and her office to intervene and help bring about peace at the Tshwane University of Technology’s Soshanguve campus. 

Engelbrecht said DA students have been trying to get classes to resume but the EFF Student Command and South African Student Congress have been disrupting classes. 

She said: Daso notes the tragic shooting of a student following the exposure of irregularities by officials.

Posted: 2018-09-12

News: Australia’s biggest university, Monash, is pulling out of South Africa after 18 years

After 18 years, Australia's Monash University will be pulling out of South Africa, selling out to JSE-listed education group Advtech in a R340 million deal.

Monash South Africa was registered in 2000, and markets itself as a local provider of degrees with international brand recognition. Its Johannesburg campus has a capacity of 6,500 students and features a number of student residences, popular among students from other African countries.

But the Monash name will disappear from that campus, its soon-to-be new owners say.

See also: Wits is the top university among SA multi-millionaires – but UCT is hot on its heels

Posted: 2018-09-12