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Computational analysis of socioeconomic status of women vermicompost-producing farmers of Raipur district of Chhattisgarh

Dhaneshwari Sahu, Hemant Kumar Awasthi, Nyaypati Venkat Ravi Shekhar


Vermicompost is a great choice for organic manures as a soil amendment input. Female entrepreneurship is one of the most significant contributors to the growth of any economy. New businesses contribute to the construction of a successful business environment through economic growth, the creation of novel employment possibilities, and innovations in methods of production and products. Even though the share of women-owned and operated businesses in India has been growing gradually over the years, their overall representation continues to be very low. In this research, a computational analysis of the socioeconomic status of 134 women vermicompost producers was evaluated by using a pre-tested questionnaire to interview these women about various key independent and dependent characteristics. The findings were separated, correlated, and evaluated with averages and percentages as needed. The study concluded that vermicomposting improved rural women’s societal power, as demonstrated by their ability to pay for their families’ educational requirements and their economic contribution.


vermicompost; entrepreneurship; variables; socioeconomic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v11i2.10458
