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A review of Last glacial Maximum reconstruction: Proxies and model simulations

qiu-ying ZHANG


The last glacial Maximum (LGM) is one of the most suitable time periods for paleoclimate researchers and Diffe Rent methods have been used to obtain the characteristics of environmental. While many features and arguments on LGM period are still in dispute, some basic agreements have been reached through the Progress of last years. In this paper, many physical elements which for the basic stand of characteristics in climate LGM, period the to Pography, Radiance, Atmosphere CO2 concentration, Land-sea mask, sea Surface temperature (SST) and ocean circulation, have been described systematically by compiling the results of LGM Recon Struction with new proxies and model simula-tions in past years to provide a front-row for the seat Study in. We found that's global SSTs in LGM period were cooling overall, but a few warming signals occurred at some particular re Gions; Deep ocean temperatures were relatively homogeneous; The glaciers had significant seasonal variation mainly in the Northern hemisphere ;<b15 > The strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) W As still in dispute. Definitely, the knowledge about LGM period should is broadened and deepened with the further increasing


last glacial Maximum; SST; AMOC; paleoclimate simulation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v1i1.1136
