Aerosol mass spectrometry in sub-micron level of marine aerosol
particulate matter over the ocean ( is marine aerosol ) System composition and source is very complex , contribution to total atmospheric particulate matter Very large , is an important part of atmospheric science and global Change research . compared to traditional offline filter sampling technology , aerosol mass spectrometry with high sensitivity , High detection , High Space-time resolution , The has been widely applied to the characteristics of fine particulate matter in the atmosphere and source discriminant research . The review compares the most widely used aerosol mass spectrometers at present (AMS ) and aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (atofms ) on islands , coastal city , offshore , Research progress on fine particulate matter characteristics in open ocean and north-south polar regions . to State 2 to use together , to more fully observe the particle size of marine aerosols , Characteristics of chemical constituents and mixed states , for China near Sea Haze Monitoring network construction and control of air pollution provide a certain scientific basis .
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