Atmosphere C 0 2 increased concentration against lush membrane sponge stay
under lab conditions , studied the atmosphere CO2 effect of elevated concentrations on the filtration function of the lowest-equal multicellular animal sponge . in mock atmosphere CO2 Elevated concentrations of ecosystems , review CO2 concentration for 387, , 750, 1000 mg/l under the environment , Lush film Sponge Hy-meniacidonperlevis Stop sterilization of total organic carbon in seawater ( TOC) Capabilities . results show : in impersonation CO 2 concentration is 387 , ,
750, 1000 mg/l under the condition of , Lush film sponge in H Clear seawater inside TOC The efficiency of IS 8% ,67.6% , 50.0% and 15.4%, in the 24h to TOC The average drag retention rate for is (1.90±0.20 , ( 2.13±0.06 , ( 1.69±0.08 , ( 0.43± 0.11 mgkh-g Sponge ), The average purge rate is ( 0.025±0.002 , ( 0.033±0.001 , ( 0.019±0.001 , ( 0.004±
0.001 mlkh.g sponge ), See , Atmosphere CO2 concentration from approximately 387 mg/l elevated to mg/l , promotes lush film sponges prevent seawater from being in the sea TOC Ability , When the concentration is elevated to 750 mg/l , suppresses the lush membrane sponge to stay TOC Capabilities , When the concentration is further elevation to 1000 mg/l , The causes the lush membrane sponge to almost lose its resistance to the seawater. TOC Capabilities . This study can be used for atmospheric 匚 ㊀: concentration The elevation of the effect of the sponge filtration function of intertidal zone and its possible ecological problems in nearshore waters .
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