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Modeling For atmospheric environmental carrying Capacity con-strained By% GDP- - PM2. 5 Based on System Dynamics -A case Study of Wuhan City

Yejing ZHOU


The present tendency to weaken the analysis of environmental capacity and carrying capacity in * compila­tion of, environmental planning results In the lack of ofscientific argumentation then rigorous logic in consideration of of

Compound air pollution characterized by Fine particulate matter (PM2. 5 ) pollution,conventional Methods of of Calculating

Atmospheric environmental capacity (AEC) and carrying capacity (aecc) are Not , capable . This paper builds ^ e ^ -

concmy-energyatmospheric Environment " model , multi-objective planning forwuhan City by System Dynamics (SD) which does not need to Simulate , complicatedphysicochemical processes of Atmospheric transmission and diffusion. instead,it uses various statistical data to Establish quantitative Connections among different types of of variables in The SD

System model. lastly,it simulates the dynamic trends of the gross Domestic production ( GDP) ? PM2. 5 then six ar pollutant


GDP ; Fine particulate matter (PM2. 5 );Atmospheric environmental carrying capacity (AECC );

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v2i1.1158
