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Simulation of the meridional overturning circulation in the Atlantic Ocean surface driving field

bin Xiao


based on the global Ocean - sea ice coupling numerical mode , studied the trans-Atlantic circulation of sea-table driving field with different time and spatial resolution (Atlantic meridional overturningcirculation , Amoc and sea surface temperature ( seasurface Temperature , SST ) Impersonation effect . The results of the Sensitivity numerical experiment show that The difference between, and the time and spatial resolution of the Sea-table driving field will not only affect SST simulation , and can significantly affect amoc intensity simulation . compared to high time resolution Sea table driving field , reduction in time and space resolution results in Amoc simulate intensity decrease and SST elevated . average driving field driver amoc ratio 6 h Resolution driving field driven control experiment reduction 6.7Sv , lowers 34%; Same as 6hdivide Resolution , Rough space resolutions atmospheric driving field simulations Amoc lower than space resolution experiment 1.4Sv , the reduces the 7%. to the ocean upper flow field and the sea surface heat flux Further analysis indicates that , Low-time and spatial-resolution sea surface wind field weakening is caused by Amocweakens and SST The main reason for the elevation .


Ocean Numerical simulation ; Ocean - sea ice coupling numerical mode ; Sea-table drive field ; Atlantic Trans-rollover circulation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v4i1.1165
