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Combining mathematical and statistical algorithms for objectivity in the use of ogive for determining rainfall onset, peak, and retreat dates over Nigeria

Theophilus Odeyemi Odekunle, Adewale Oluwagbenga Adeyefa, Francis Adeyinka Adesina, Adebayo Abiodun Aderogba


The study combined the second-order polynomial and some elements of algebra and trigonometry with the ogive to objectively (mathematically) locate the rainfall onset, peak, and retreat on the ogive, which was visually done. The data used for the investigation are the daily rainfalls of 16 synoptic stations (Ikeja, Calabar, Port-Harcourt, Benin, Ondo, Enugu, Ilorin, Lokoja, Jos, Kaduna, Yola, Kano, Sokoto, Maiduguri, Potiskum, and Nguru) across all the ecological zones of Nigeria. The datasets spanning 50 years (1971–2020) were collected from the Archives of the Nigerian Meteorological Services, Abuja, Nigeria. The ogives were derived from the frequency of rainy days. The peak periods were best detected from the pentad graphs of the rainy-day frequency. The results showed that rainy-day frequency is better than rainfall amount in determining the various rainfall parameters over Nigeria. The second-order polynomial modeled the two curvatures of the rainfall perfectly. The rainy-day frequency in the southern part of the country exhibited double rainfall maxima, while those in the northern part showed a single rainfall maximum. The double rainfall maxima are not peculiar to the southwestern region of Nigeria, as previously widely asserted; they cut across the whole southern region, although the number of days and the depth of the trough between the peaks dimmish from the largest values in the extreme southwest to the least in the extreme southeast. The first rainfall peaks were attained in southern Nigeria in July, except at Ikeja, which was in June. The second rainfall peak was reached in September in all the southern stations. The single peaks were attained in all the extreme northern stations in August and in the other stations south of them in early September. The rainfall onset begins at Ikeja in the extreme southwestern corner of Nigeria around March ending. It spreads eastwards and northwards to cover the entire country by mid-June, reaching Nguru in the northeastern corner. It is generally earlier on the western flank than the eastern flank. Rainfall begins to retreat from the northernmost stations by the third week in September to reach the extreme southern stations between October and early November.


rainfall onset; rainfall peak; rainfall retreat; ogive; second-order polynomial; percentage cumulative rainfall; rainy day

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/jaoe.v11i1.9472
