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Innovation and practice of mental health education for college students

Min Song


In the talent cultivation work of colleges and universities, mental health education is an essential part to cultivate students’
correct and healthy behavior habits and ideological cognition, which can promote comprehensive and healthy growth. At present, with the
change of social environment, colleges and universities are also strengthening mental health education, and gradually transition from a
single model to a diversifi ed model, the content of education is also showing a trend from shallow to deep. However, looking at the overall
implementation situation, we can fi nd that there are still many problems, leading to mental health education diffi cult to raise to a new height.
Based on this, this paper explores the innovation and practice of college students’ mental health education, in order to provide valuable
reference for the majority of colleagues.


colleges and universities; College students; Mental health education; Innovation and practice

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i9.10285
