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Optimization of drug supply guarantee mechanism in China under the background of Healthy China

Qianzheng Xia, Xue Jiang, Yonghong Han


The supply of drugs in short supply is related to the development of the national pharmaceutical industry, and is an important
foundation for promoting the construction of healthy China. At present, the drug shortage in our country is the coexistence of the whole and
the provinces, each province has diff erent degree, diff erent kind of drug shortage. At present, some provinces and cities have established the
drug shortage information reporting system and procurement measures, but there is still a lack of perfect drug supply guarantee mechanism.
In this regard, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from four aspects: establishing emergency plan, constructing
information system, guaranteeing the supply of low-cost drugs and deepening medical reform.


Drugs in short supply; Drug supply guarantee; Healthy China

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i9.10312
