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An Exploration of Digital Literacy Improvement Practice for Teachers in Sports Universities

Qiao Yang, Yuejun Wang, Aisha Wang, Wenjing Xu, Wanhe Chen


The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the requirements of “accelerating the construction
of high-quality education system”, and clearly “promoting the digitization of education” as an important task to build a digital China and
a powerful education country. As the mainstay of the strategic action of education digitization development, teachers are facing many
challenges. Based on the dual driving forces of technological upgrades and teaching reform,teachers’ digital literacy has gradually become a
restricting factor for the high-quality development of education. This paper aims to explore the eff ective practical approaches for improving
the digital literacy of teachers in sports universities.In view of this, it is imperative for teachers in sports universities to transform from
knowledge-oriented to literacy-oriented teachers for future education. Improving teachers’ digital literacy has become an urgent task and a
key focus of current research in teaching and learning of sports universities.


Sports Universities Teachers; Digital Literacy; Teaching Quality; Digital Transformation; Promotion Strategy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i10.10630
