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The construction of college English online and offline mixed teaching system in the new era

Xiaoqing Liu


Online and offl ine hybrid teaching is a new teaching mode that combines traditional classroom teaching with online learning.
It can not only make full use of Internet resources, enrich teaching content, but also improve students’ independent learning ability and
learning eff ect. Applying the online and offl ine mixed teaching mode to college English courses is to further promote the teaching reform
and further improve the teaching quality. Based on this, this paper fi rst analyzes the connotation of online and offl ine hybrid teaching and its
application advantages in college English courses, and then puts forward a feasible path to build a college English online and offl ine hybrid
teaching system based on the author’s practical experience, in order to provide references for peers.


the new era; College English; Online and offl ine mixed teaching system; construction

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i10.10666
