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Integrating information technology to create effi cient classroom-- Take “The New World of Network”, the fi rst volume of the fourth grade, as an example

Yanan Wang


In recent years, with the implementation of the policy of reducing the burden and increasing the effi ciency, how to help
students eff ectively reduce the burden has become a hot topic in education, and one of the keys to reduce the burden is to improve the
efficiency of the classroom. In the primary school morality and rule of law classroom skillfully combined with the use of educational
equipment, into the information technology, to break one-way transmission, enhance students’ learning autonomy, timely grasp the learning
situation, create effi cient classroom play a good role in promoting. The use of information resources can make the knowledge points of rule
of law teaching in textbooks multi-level, multi-angle, intuitive image in front of students, closer to students’ life, more stimulate students’
interest in learning, so that students can realize the organic combination of sight, listening, thinking and discrimination, and then truly realize
effi cient classroom teaching.


information technology; Efficient classroom; Reduce burden and increase efficiency

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i11.11394
